Life is too short, irrespective of how long one spends on earth. The true value of life is determined by the fulfillment of destiny . We don’t want to look back in life and have regrets. The word efficiency refers to competence. It is the ability to do something well or achieve a desired result without wasted resources . Life production efficiency is the ability to maximally utilize all talent, gift and skills for the absolute fulfilment of purpose. Mathematically, efficiency ratio is time spent doing work(TD) over time spent at workplace(TW) ER=TD/TW. Hence, Life efficiency ratio is the time spent on life assignment over entire life spent on earth. #Ponder Everyone was equipped for the purpose God made them. God never sends a man without equipping him. Your life is a complete package of God’s divine plan and your provision. Your production efficiency is the true value of your worth! Life production efficiency is dependent on these facto...