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Showing posts from January, 2020


This is the continuation of a  previous post 3.  His Glory as an All-Providing Bridegroom In  John 3:29–30 , John the Baptist speaks one last time about the superiority of Jesus. He says, “The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is now complete. He must increase, but I must decrease.” The last thing John says about Jesus in this Gospel is that he is the bridegroom who has the bride, his growing band of disciples. And the first miracle Jesus does is to complete what the bridegroom at a wedding could not do. John 2:9–10  shows that the groom was finally responsible for the wine as his wedding. Which means it was his shortcoming that let the wedding run out of wine. Verse 9: “When the master of the feast [not the groom but the head waiter] tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who ha


This is the continuation of a previous post "Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing , each holding from twenty to certificate gallons. Jesus said to the servants,  “Fill the jars with water” ; so they filled them to the brim." John 2:6-7 (NIV) Jesus chooses to use water jars that were appointed for “purification,” not for drinking, when he performs his miracle and fills them with wine. And the reason is that he means to point to his own death as the ultimate purification for sins that would nullify and replace the Jewish purification rituals. Here are the pointers. First, Jesus says to his mother at the end of verse 4, “My hour has not yet come.” What is “his hour”? His hour is the hour of his death when he will die for sinners and make purification for sins. John 7:30 : “So they were seeking to arrest him, but no one laid a hand on him, because his hour had not yet come.” John 8:20 : “No one arrested him,


Some really cute guy got himself a bride and the wedding was fixed for a time when friends, loved ones, family and friendnemies could attend.  Jesus, His mom-Mary and Jesus' disciples were part of the wedding guests. To get the full gist of what happened at Cana, Read John 2:1-10 Our striking verse is found in John's commentary on the action as recorded in J ohn 2:1-11; " This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and  manifested his glory. Some scholars believe that the wedding at Cana was included to show God's approval for a marriage. Others say it is to affirm the potency of faith when we ask the Lord for something He didn't initially want to do; as in the case of Mary asking Jesus to do something about the  wine. While these perspectives are a blessing, I will like us to look at the wedding story with a heart that cries, show me your glory, Lord Jesus.   Then we will be able to see more than the letters.  As taught by J ohn


The book of John opens with an interesting introduction of the person of Jesus. It is as though, Apostle John thought in his heart, " How would they understand his purpose, his sufferings, his temptations, his actions, his authority, the miracles and his behaviour if they don't know Him?"    Jesus' Identity prophesied all that. So John took his time to introduce our Jesus in an interesting narrative recorded in John Chapter 1. The 14 Identities of Jesus as seen in John Chapter 1 goes thus; 1. Jesus, the word 2. Jesus, the creator 3. Jesus, the life 4. Jesus, the light of all men 5. Jesus the begotten of the father 6. Jesus, the son of God 7. Jesus, the son of man (Made flesh) 8. Jesus, the Christ (Greek for the anointed one 9. Jesus, the Messiah (Hebrew for the anointed one) 10. Jesus, the lamb of God 11. Jesus, the master 12. Jesus of Nazareth, Son of Joseph 13.Jesus, the faultless 14. Jesus, the king of Israel This introd


Guess Post by John Piper Ephesians 5:18  says, “Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but  be filled with the Spirit .” I argued Sunday morning that verses 19–21 describe the effects of being filled with the Spirit.  The effect in verse 19 is very  musical . Clearly joy in Christ is the mark of being filled with the Spirit. But not only joy.  Also  gratitude  in verse 20 —  perpetual  gratitude, gratitude for  everything . (Which obviously eliminates grumbling and pouting and self-pity and bitterness and scowling and murmuring and depression and worry and discouragement and gloominess and pessimism!) But not only musical joy and universal gratitude, but also loving submission to each other’s needs (verse 21).  Joy, gratitude , and  humble love  — these are the marks of being filled with the Spirit. To this should also be added  boldness in witness from Acts (see  Acts 2:4 ;  4:8 ,  31 ;  13:9 ). No one can fail to be bold and eager in witnes