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Showing posts from June, 2017

THE ART OF NETWORKING: How to Connect With People The First Time

1. Present a catchy personality pitch A personality pitch contains your name, what you do and a few other details in 1-2 minutes. People get bored easily and don't need to hear your generational theology at first meeting.   What you say in the first one minute of meeting someone and how you say it goes a long way to determine if there would be a relationship afterwards.   Let me break the elements down. OPENING   Greeting: Hello ma/Sir (enthusiastically) Compliment: I love your hair, nails, suit etc (This must be genuine) BODY   Name : I'm Princess Anne Atulaegwu   What you do: I help young people and women find and fulfill purpose via a platform/ organization called THE BIRTHPLACE.   NOTE: I didn't say I'm a youth coach, strategist, counsellor, Mentor, medical doctor, teacher blah blah. This is because, when you introduce yourself by clearly stating what solution you offer, you make it easier for people to readily connect with ...

THE ART OF NETWORKING: How to Maximise relationships for fulfilment

    This is a sequel to the last post on THE ART OF NETWORKING  where We learnt how to build quality relationships for fulfiling purpose. P lease head on here to see that!     After you've built these relationships,  here's how to maximise them  for fulfilment. 1. Keep in touch   I'm personally not great at calling people and phone calls aren't the best ways to reach me. I'm often  locked in on one productive activity or another or just too tired to hold a phone conversation.   I found out I'll rather text- regular, email or social media and that's because those platforms places no pressure on me to be "hyper entertaining" or what not.   Therefore, my best keep in touch practice is via text message and emails.   When you do this with your network of relationships, you will be readily accepted/considered should you need a favor from them Read: 5 simple actions that make a more fulfiling lif...

THE ART OF NETWORKING: How to build quality relationships for fulfilling purpose

I grew up being an outspoken person. The only  moment I ever feel shy is in front of a man that I deeply love. Other than that, scrap shyness from my dictionary. I'm that girl that would walk up to anyone I admire and speak to them if I wanted to. Well, so long as there's no "unnecessary protocol" officer obstructing my way. This boldness has been a blessing for me. It has got me quality relationships that have imparted my life and has helped me impart others Not everyone is like me- Princess the extrovert. You probably fall in the category of the blessed introverts who need some extra push before they can approach someone. It's okay. We are having this lesson to show you how to go past the "secret fear of rejection" towards fulfilling relationships. So sit back and glean Networking goes beyond meeting people or walking up to them. Meeting and approaching them is only the first step on the path of building fulfilling relationship...