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THE ART OF NETWORKING: How to Connect With People The First Time

1. Present a catchy personality pitch

A personality pitch contains your name, what you do and a few other details in 1-2 minutes.

People get bored easily and don't need to hear your generational theology at first meeting. 
What you say in the first one minute of meeting someone and how you say it goes a long way to determine if there would be a relationship afterwards. 

Let me break the elements down.

Greeting: Hello ma/Sir (enthusiastically)
Compliment: I love your hair, nails, suit etc (This must be genuine)

Name : I'm Princess Anne Atulaegwu 

What you do: I help young people and women find and fulfill purpose via a platform/ organization called THE BIRTHPLACE. 

NOTE: I didn't say I'm a youth coach, strategist, counsellor, Mentor, medical doctor, teacher blah blah.

This is because, when you introduce yourself by clearly stating what solution you offer, you make it easier for people to readily connect with you. 
They can easily identify what value you hold when you introduce yourself this way than when you give them big titles or job portfolio. 

SOCIAL /NON FORMAL INTEREST:  I enjoy fufu a lot and I call my laptop - samantha. 

CONCLUSION: I'll love to know/meet you ma.

Read:  How to maximise relationships for fulfilment

    2. Maintain eye contact:

This shows you’re confident. Speak clearly. Don't talk too loudly, don't talk too lowly. Just be clear enough (time won't permit me to teach us the art of engaging via voice tones) some other time I guess. 

3. Lean forward towards them a bit. Not too much that they feel uncomfortable but just enough that they see you are eager to connect with them. 
This body posture also gives you off as humble. 

4. Don't stretch your hands to shake older people. Bow (we are Nigerians and in our culture, it shows respect). You can initiate the handshake If the person is younger or if the person is your mate. Please make handshakes firm and brief.

5. Listen genuinely while they speak: Nod, repeat things they say so that they know you are truly listening.

6. Thank them for their time: mention their name when you do this. for example, thank you so much for your time, Yetunde.

Read: How to build quality relationships

7. Ask for their contact: Never say, “take my number or card". Let them ask you.

8. Reach out to them afterwards as I explained earlier here

PS: One general rule you must remember is to not talk about your achievement in a way that makes you appear proud. There's an art to that too. 
My time is up. I might teach us that some other time.

Excerpted from THE RECRUIT MENTORING SESSION with Anne Atulaegwu

Committed to your fulfilment 

Hey! Join me at The Forte Switch Mentoring program scheduled for August 14th-19th, 2017

If you're female, Tamar's Pouch Conference 2017 is  a few days away!!! Join us here


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