Spoken word! That talk that’s a fine mix of rhythm and rhymes, poetry, energy, and dramatic gestures, combined to pass a message. I love spoken word! I hope you do too. So recently, there has been this twist to serving people the gospel on a golden spoken word tray. It’s called Gospel Rap. While rap has been around since 19-memorial-oh-oh, using rap as a tool to pass on the message of Christ and the Cross has only recently started becoming popular and acceptable. In the past, people would condemn gospel rap artist saying they were copying the world and bringing the unholy into the holy place. Today, the earth is apparently getting filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters covers the seas (Habakkuk 2:14) and rap is one of those channels through which the glory of the Lord is covering the earth. Religion made us think all the fine things were for and of the world. But TRUTH in JESUS makes us see that all things were made for ...