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Spoken word!
That talk that’s a fine mix of rhythm and rhymes, poetry, energy, and dramatic gestures, combined to pass a message.

I love spoken word!

I hope you do too.

So recently, there has been this twist to serving people the gospel on a golden spoken word tray. It’s called Gospel Rap.

While rap has been around since 19-memorial-oh-oh, using rap as a tool to pass on the message of Christ and the Cross has only recently started becoming popular and acceptable.

In the past, people would condemn gospel rap artist saying they were copying the world and bringing the unholy into the holy place.  Today, the earth is apparently getting filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters covers the seas (Habakkuk 2:14) and rap is one of those channels through which the glory of the Lord is covering the earth.

Religion made us think all the fine things were for and of the world. But TRUTH in JESUS makes us see that all things were made for HIM (Jesus) and through HIM (Colossians 1:16). Therefore RAP art was made by and for CHRIST and so RAP is HOLY!

Today on Young and Relevant Series, We have an amazing Gospel Rap Artiste with us going by the stage name OVA SKILLZ!!!

ANNE: Hey, Man of God! Good to have you here and welcome. May we meet you please? 

OVA SKILLZ:  Hey, Anne. Thanks for having me on the young and relevant series. I am Ovie Austine Akoke popularly known as Ova Skillz

ANNE : How long have you been a Gospel Rap Artist? 

OVA SKILLZ: I have been into Gospel Rap for over three years now

ANNE: Wow, that’s quite some time. What motivated you to take this path? 

OVA SKILLZ: Jesus is My Motivation, when I realised how He Gave His Life for me, it motivated me to bring people into the Knowledge of Him

ANNE: Awesome!! What has your experience as a spoken word/Gospel Rap artist been like so far?

OVA SKILLZ: My experience has been good and fair so far, I just thank God for steady improvement and what He will do through me

ANNE: We wait!! The Apostle Paul mix-tape is such a powerful album! What inspired the Apostle Paul mixed tape? 

OVA SKILLZ: What actually inspired the Apostle Paul Mix Tape is Simple.... It's JESUS!
I just want to bring the Person of Jesus simply and clearly to the World, that in Him alone we have Eternal Life Guaranteed

ANNE: Oh Yeah… Eternal Life Guaranteed in CHRIST ALONE. I heard that one!!
Just as though you read the inscription on the J-TOW T-shirt I have on right now.


ANNE:  What exactly would you like your listeners to encounter on the Apostle Paul Mix Tape album? 

OVA SKILLZ:  I would want my listeners to witness Jesus.  If they could pay keen attention to the songs,  it will minister LIFE to them.  If checked the album art, you will notice we did not use tracks, we used EPISTLES. Which means those songs are not just songs, they are letters of the Spirit.

ANNE:   Yeah!! (Tongues).  This is so making sense. On the part of it been epistles, I CONCUR. I listened to it and every track was a hit epistle for me, back to back!


ANNE:    Which of the songs/epistles on that album is most dear to you and why?

OVA SKILLZ: Track 7 which is “Jesus Dey Worry Me”
This Song talks about our day to day Christian life. How we have been mocked, discouraged,  accused and  all other forms of spite.
It's a song that reminds you that you are not alone, that Jesus got your back and you are full of Him.

ANNE: Who is/are your favourite spoken word  or gospel Rap  inspiration at the moment? 

 OVA SKILLZ: My favorite Spoken Word Artiste presently is Pastor Judas Smith

ANNE: What's the big picture for you as a Gospel Rap artiste?

OVASKILLZ: The Big Picture is JESUS PREACHED! I see Jesus being preached everywhere via Rap, I see nations calling us to reveal Jesus to them though Rap, We take over and we keep reigning forever.

ANNE: Glory!!!
What are your final words to your audience, please‎?

OVA SKILLZ:  You all should KNOW JESUS for yourself. Don’t just rely on other people’s knowledge about JESUS. ENCOUNTER JESUS and enjoy Christianity.

ANNE: Awesome! Thanks a lot Ovaskillz. We honour you for being YOUNG AND RELEVANT. Keep inspiring young people to embrace LIFE/JESUS!

OVASKILLZ: (Smiles) Thank you so much ma

Hey, head on here to download your digital copy of the Apostle Paul Mix tape

If you’re young and doing or have done something relevant to lives on earth and eternally? Email youngandrelevantseries@gmaildotcom to get featured on the young and relevant series.

Committed to your fulfilment



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