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Showing posts from March, 2018


© 2018 EAGLE’S SOAR CONFERENCE /THEME: YOUNG AND RELEVANT/ This is a sequel to an earlier post . Please read it here before you proceed We access glory when we impart lives. This is also what it means to be relevant. This kind of impart isn’t born from vain ambition or a need to be noticed by the world. It’s born and driven absolutely by aligning with the will of God! In the above scripture, Jesus points out two simple steps required for this level of relevance/impart. In the above scripture, Jesus points out  three simple steps required for this level of relevance/impart. 1.    Fall to the ground:  The Greek word  (pip'-to) means to fall under in prostration. This talks about surrender and Humility. The lesser bows to the greater remember? The greater is the creator. You are the one to surrender; not Him.  You can’t enter into valid relevance if you are still full of yourself!  See Philippians 2:5-8 If you are still ordering God on your jou


© 2018 EAGLE’S SOAR CONFERENCE /THEME: YOUNG AND RELEVANT/ A Principle is a fundamental truth that serves as the foundation for an occurrence. It is the ultimate source, origin or cause of something (Collins Dictionary). When you throw a ball against a wall what happens? It comes right back at you When you give, you? Get God wanted to get the world, He gave his? Son When we want a tree, we give the earth a? Seed The word vertical means to be in a direction, or having an alignment, such that the top is directly above the bottom (Oxford). Vertical  suggests a line or direction rising straight upward toward a zenith. (Merriam Webster) The vertical principle states that we rise only as high as we invest beneath. Let’s take a quick flight through John 12:20-35 (NLT)   Before we proceed, I will like you to write down these questions and answer them. 1.     What does Impart mean to you? 2.       What would you need to do before yo