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Showing posts from December, 2018


When I newly got saved at age 9, each time father made me promises, I will be sooooo excited. My eyes will pop, I will almost want to tell anyone who cared to hear.  The things he said to a 9 year old girl where too big for her mind to fathom. I couldn't wait to grow up. I had to see, be and have all He promised. I carried that auto excitement response mode into my teen years . Father won't stop painting fancy pictures. He won't stop saying high sounding things and I believed all of it. Eventually, I saw most of what He said happening before my eyes. I could say like the psalmist to my onlookers, "Taste and See that my Lord is good". Teen years ended at 19. I had my 20th birthday and everything changed. I had some significant experiences in my 16th and 19th year that gave me a rude awakening. I found that His promises, those sweet whispers came with  price tags. Some of which He wouldn't say until you are about to pick th