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Showing posts from April, 2018


Guest Post By Jack Canfield The first quarter of the year rolled by fast and I must say it was a beautiful one for me. Was it for you?  I was just saying to a dear friend and sister, Chinyere Distinguished yesterday, that I crushed my goals for the first quarter (reason why the quarter was a beautiful one for me). She and I were author guests at the Lagos Christian book club hosted by TJFC PLATFORM at Ikeja. She was brought on for her book Single, Fruiful, Fulfilled. Click here to see her inspiring interview on young and relevant series . Her  SFF book is phenomenal!  I was invited to speak on the book PROTHESIS which although published four years ago, continues to help many people receive clarity concerning purpose and fulfilment. Click to get a copy. While, I prepared for the second quarter this morning, I began to ask myself some questions. 1. What is most important to me at this time?  2. what do I need to focus on as a goal in this second quar...


While respect is due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others (Oxford; the word reciprocal refers to something done, given, felt, or owed in return (The free The popular phrase "respect is reciprocal" is said to urge people to regard the feelings, wishes or rights of others first, before expecting respect in return. Read: The art of getting along The human nature has the tendency to give back what it gets. Hence, people would averagely respect anyone who respects them. However, there is no guarantee that people would regard your feelings or wishes when they have to make decisions or act. Therefore, it is unreasonable to respect people only because you want respect in return. Having such expectation could lead to hurt when people fail to reciprocate the respect you have offered them. Read: How your level of influence is determined I believe we should respect people because we are first respectable people ...

SINGLE, FRUITFUL, FULFILLED- Young and Relevant Series

Today, we will hear from a single, fruitful, and fulfilled Icon. She is the author of the new book titled, SINGLE, FRUITFUL, FULFILLED. Please help me welcome, ChinyereDistinguished Anoke. Anne:  Hi Chinyere, It’s an honour to have you here with us on Young and Relevant series. I can imagine you are giving us the dimple flash right now. hahaha Chinyere :  Hahahaa, Thank you very much for having me. Anne:  What inspired you to write a book addressing singleness? Chinyere:  In as much as I have always desired to author books, I never imagined that I'd write a book on singleness. Writing the SFF book - "Single, Fruitful, Fulfilled" was inspired by God after my relationship mess. As a matter of fact, the book itself is just a small subset of the SFF vision. Anne:  Hmm, powerful   Chinyere:   The SFF vision is focused on addressing a whole lot of issues associated with Singlehood and empowering Singles with the rig...


GUEST POST BY MATTHEW 'FEMI ADEDOYIN The number of gays, lesbians and bisexuals who visit our office is increasing by the day. Some do not know how they started getting attracted to the same sex while some got introduced to it by peers and colleagues. Some started the act because they are looking for acceptance. For some, it was a way to get back at their parents. Some watched it on the TV while some others see it as a way to express rebellion. Many whom I have had the privilege of working with have different reasons and excuses but one thing they have in common is that THEY ARE SEEKING FOR LOVE. See, we all have the tendency to become anything depending on what we see and hear consistently, especially in our formative years. At two, a child begins individuating and by age twelve, the child becomes an individual. This means that the formative years (character and value development age) of a child start from two and end by the time the child clocks twelve. In th...