Guest Post By Jack Canfield The first quarter of the year rolled by fast and I must say it was a beautiful one for me. Was it for you? I was just saying to a dear friend and sister, Chinyere Distinguished yesterday, that I crushed my goals for the first quarter (reason why the quarter was a beautiful one for me). She and I were author guests at the Lagos Christian book club hosted by TJFC PLATFORM at Ikeja. She was brought on for her book Single, Fruiful, Fulfilled. Click here to see her inspiring interview on young and relevant series . Her SFF book is phenomenal! I was invited to speak on the book PROTHESIS which although published four years ago, continues to help many people receive clarity concerning purpose and fulfilment. Click to get a copy. While, I prepared for the second quarter this morning, I began to ask myself some questions. 1. What is most important to me at this time? 2. what do I need to focus on as a goal in this second quar...