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Showing posts from August, 2020


THE SONS HAVE COME Sons are arising in their ranks  Never to be stopped A new breed of awoke men Precise in understanding Swift in obedience Fervent in faith Pure in heart Dance for the harvest           shall no longer waste The dawn is here My will prevails For the sons have come They come from various      parts of the earth Unassuming but efficient Young and old, Suckling babes and mothers Affluent and servants They shall prevail Dance for the harvest           shall no longer waste The dawn is here My will prevails For the sons have come Read: Prophetic Update ATTENTION Sharpen your swords Position in your fields Take no oath with the world For your time has come Drop the distractions Strife, envy, offense The battle's too fierce for that Now everyone to his portion Exchange not the focus Keep your eyes on the prize Do not be joined with them For everyone must race Follow the voice The king leads this host Look not on yourselves Now the morning sun is come Read: Prophetic Insi


The difference between being at peace in a relationship and having your heart troubled till you can't breathe is in the counsel you heed to. I've seen beautiful relationships even marriages crumble because  one or both of them listened to a "thus says the Lord, that's not your husband/wife".  While I believe that God leads us in the area of marriage, He doesn't expressly tell everyone who to marry. There are some people he told.  However, he has placed wisdom pillars on our path to help make the right decisions. The questions below are asked by real people I have  met on my ministry journey.  I will keep adding to it as I find the time to write here.  For now, I hope these ones would help hold the torch as you search the truth for your specific situation. Question 1   If you have someone coming to you for a relationship who takes alcohol like one or two bottles, doesn't get drunk on it and says he is a Christian. Can this person be classified as a good Chr


  There is a recalibration happening during this season. God is testing kingdom agents to ensure that they are on the same frequency as He.  Signals are flying all over, are you picking them up? If you are picking them up, how accurately? We normally hold #alignmentprayers on Thursdays. I was wondering why God kept pressing it on my heart to hold it on tuesday (August 18), which happened to be a very inconvenient time/ day for me to  host  anything. I had to ask him why he picked Tuesday. He let me in on the information below. There is a shifting and shaking off happening today (August 18). This shaking separates those who are ready to be used in God's next big move, from those who are not.  Those who are dull or asleep in spirit would be shaken off. They will not partake in the privileges and the responsibilities of this next move.  Those who are selected would be shifted into new dimensions in their walk with God.  They will be given new grounds and experience greater glory. Augu


Last night at Insure your marriage  online conference, I was privileged to teach on the subject, Good men are hard to find. Is that  true? Destroying the myths and lies that make women settle for less than God's best. This post is a copy of what I shared with them. I did a different post for a meaty part of the Q and A.  Check it out. Once you are done with this.  Let's Define God's best God's best in marriage is a spouse and a situation that sets you up for growth  in these areas 👉Spiritual 👉Financial 👉Emotional 👉Relational The term set up means it may not be in the "package" that you expect because it is first committed to helping you mature into God's picture of you,  than it is about making you feel fly. If you truly understand this, you will be delivered from these o n your marital journey,  ✅ Comparison  ✅Jealousy ✅ impatience/Haste ✅ Discouragement Please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that your current psychologically sick b


Social media has always been there; but not everyone paid close attention or saw the need to set up a profile for themselves or their businesses.   With COVID-19 radically obstructing the norm, more individuals and businesses have woken up to the necessity of having a social media profile.  I believe you have been woke for a very long time or perhaps you are just waking up. Either way, congratulations!!! Perhaps you got on board and  realised that it is not as easy as people make it seem.  You wonder how to successfully handle your social media pages to correctly represent your personality and opinion as an individual.  You have barely figured out how to use Facebook to successfully promote your business, only to hear people say Instagram is the best marketing platform and you are confused. You barely find time to post because your actual life or business routine is too full You hear about the many social media platforms- google+, Pinterest, Linkedin, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, Perisco


Scriptural Focus For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:3‭-‬4 NLT But that’s not all! Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance. And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope. And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us! Romans 5:3‭-‬5 TPT You are always and dearly loved by God! So robe yourself with virtues of God , since you have been divinely chosen to be holy. Be merciful as you endeavor to understand others, and be compassionate, showing kindness toward all. Be gentle and humble, unoffendable in your patience with others. Colossians 3:12 TPT For we remember before our God and Father