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GOD IS KIND: The Integrity of his promises

 Read part 5 here

My stomach started bulging.

I sent pictures of us to my family. My sister-in-law posted on her WhatsApp status. About two or more people told her my face looked pregnant. She told me and I said my usual, Amen. After all, someone that’s been declaring herself pregnant since August should truly look pregnant by December 😂😂

I focused on my vacation, determined to thoroughly enjoy myself. One morning we all hit the gym and I led a dance exercise. Worried about my bulging tummy, I used a vintage  vibrating exercise belt on my belly. Click the word to see how it works. It vibrated so intensely that my belly “caught fire” I begged to stop. Vacation was over we went  home.

At this point, it was barely 3 days to 2021. I had an assignment to submit at school. I started writing it but noticed it was a struggle. It felt as though something foreign had hit my brain. I was also hosting a 12-hour prayer-thon. I managed to pull through these. Then we went for cross over service and I literally broke down. 

When we got back home in the new year (January 2021), I decided to get some rest.  I rested and felt better. I tried to resume my activities as usual only to notice I was still struggling. I started paying attention to my body for familiar pregnancy signs and I caught one. 

My body has been behaving pregnant so this one wasn’t going to excite me. I wasn’t even going to do a home test as I have had 7 negative tests already. I went for a blood test and got a positive. I felt fear and excitement but I chose to believe the Lord that this will be it. 

The positive result

We told our father in the Lord, Daddy Hezekiah. He prayed for us and referred us to a gynaecologist. 

We went to see the doctor and he ordered a scan. Behold I was 6 weeks + 3 days gone. How that excercising belt did not uproot this pregnancy is a wonder.

My husband and I weren’t interested in measurements or dating. We had one question, “Is there a heart beat?” 

My heart pounded as the sonographer took a closer look.  You can imagine the relief we felt when he said there was a heartbeat. 

We lost the others at their 6th week, so hearing that this was viable was a miracle to us. For the first time in my life, ultrasound gave me good news. 

We asked him to check for fibroids, he said that the coast was clear. My husband and I smiled in relief. This could only be God!!

To avoid stories that touch, the gynaecologist placed me on an injection for 5 weeks after which he installed a cervical cerclage (Shirodkar). 

God preserved this one!

Days turned to weeks, weeks to months and finally on the 17th of August, 2021, My countless testimonies in one made her debut entry into the world. 

Men and brethren, I present to you, the proof of God’s kindness to me!!!

Nkechi at 7 weeks old

I have a long list of people to thank. I literally had a whole continent of people praying for me. Many I didn’t know and much more that I knew prayed for me. 

May God thoroughly furnish everyone who stood by us through these times, with the best dimensions of himself. Yes, I believe the gift of himself is the greatest gift ever. 

As many that gave us gifts in cash and items, thank you immensely. May the angel of this baby speak to the father to help you where it matters most; just as the angel of that baby spoke to God concerning my husband.

If you are in a waiting season, read the final series here I have a prophetic word for you. 

What lessons did you learn? Please share with me in the comment session. 


  1. OMG! Such an adventure of faith.

    Thank you ma for sharing these.
    God is indeed kind.

    I celebrate with you and your family.
    This baby shall be an arror in God's vineyard.

  2. Awww!!!! She is so beautiful....
    Mama thanks for sharing your testimony..
    God is indeed faithful...
    Nkechi, you be a beacon of light to your generation...

    Congratulations mama

  3. Thank you Jesus. This testimony is permanent and your twin boys are coming next.

  4. Lessons Learned: struggles are the curtains or blankets that tried to conceal our treasures. Wait in belief and not patience alone or denial. Faith works best when you ACT it out they call you crazy, time gives the result.

    I'm grateful for the blessing of you, Nkechi. Father bless you, ma'am, for sharing your faith adventures with us.

    1. I couldn’t have pointed out those lessons better than you did! Thank you so much!!


  5. .Its how you were pregnant without knowing for me. How God says its ALREADY DONE but the fact fact we dont see it doesn't mean its not..could faith and our actions in faith be more for us to keep in tune with God and what He is doing. To anchor our heart in Him and not in our circumstances?

    I know someone who relating the story of her husband and when he came and they compared notes said God spoke to him immediately she started but it took a while for him to come and she kept kept standing. And her faith actions and declarations she found out was even more for her as God had already done it

    Thanks for sharing ma..I heard the scripture in John 11 where Jesus said "did I not say to you that if you believe you would see the glory of the Lord?"

    Indeed God has taken the glory. May many other Nkechi's arise for God's glory through your story. God bless you and your husband and family in Jesus name.

    Your husband has a story too oh. Ah God choses men for us who can go on the journey with us. Ah. God bless you

    1. Your comment is epic!

      👉🏼Exactly! Didn’t even know when I got pregnant eventually.

      👉🏼Indeed when He says it, it is done!

      👉🏼Faith actions are truly for us to anchor in him. It is not for him.

      👉🏼 Indeed he has a story. My God chose for me. I would have missed it cos my husband didn’t look like it. I heard God, I trusted and followed. Every now and then I thank God that I obeyed and married him. I’m better for it

      Amen!! May many more Nkechi’s be born!

  6. Annie, I just cried all through reading you

    I'll come back when I have words.

    But before then, I give Praise and Glory to our Most High, ever faithful God!

    Congratulations ma! Baby is beautiful, like you are!!

  7. Just Amazing. For me it is your faith and trust in God regardless of all that you went through. What a mighty God he is. We always murmur and complain at little challenges compared to what you have walked through. God bless your family. And may Nkechi be mighty upon the earth. Thanks for sharing your story.

  8. Hmmm i can relate to child birth struggles God is indeed faithful Nkechi is so beautiful. Those waiting on the lord for their babies he will do it at the right time I'm a living testimony.

  9. A beautiful, compelling and inspiring story of faith!

    God is indeed kind and faithful. I love your faith.

    Nkechi is so beautiful! 😍😍

  10. Your story reveals the validity of God's word and His person. I'm so blessed by your testimony. Baby Nkechi is beautiful.. I'm certain her brothers would soon make their own entry. God bless you and your husband immensely.

  11. You are indeed a woman of faith!!
    Congratulations Mama Nkechi

  12. God is really intentional!

    Your story has increased my faith...I've been rattling in tongues while reading

    Oh My God!
    God is Faithful...too Faithful.
    He has really built you and intentionally used you to build us.
    I join my faith with yours to receive my husband in the name of Jesus, Amen.

  13. I'm in so much awe... I lack words to express my amazement at how you pulled through all of these as a minister of the Gospel. You do have the gift of faith ma'am.

    It is my sincere prayer that God will grant you your desired twin boys and bless your husband abundantly for standing by you.

    God bless you so much ma and strengthen you.

  14. I cried, had some goose bumps on me while reading your story momma because I can practically relate to your story.

    Still waiting on the Lord to bless us with our own kids, the doctors said I had endometritis with PID. Whose report shall we believe if not that of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Your story is an added proof that God is still in the business of opening wombs irrespective of ones health challenges.

    Am trusting God for divine conception before the end of this year. Amen!!!

    May God bless my little princess Nkechi, your twin soldiers are on the way. Amen!!!


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