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We all come to the end of our lives as naked and empty-handed as on the day we were born. We cant take our riches with us.
Ecclesiastes 5:15

I was in between two choices on MTN (telecom service provider)'s data bundle.
My Android phone is fun to use but the data plan from my service provider isnt fun at all. I have to choose between the pay #1000 get 250mb VALID for one month OR pay #100 get 10mb valid for 1 day.
I have used both but there isnt no plan as satisfying as our monthly Blackberry subscription.

A validity period is the maximum length of time during which something can be used.
If one subscribed for the 10mb plan, the plan becomes invalid and whatever megabyte you have left would be inaccessible once 24 hours go by.
Recently, remaining megabytes are rolled into one's next subscription. It wasnt so in the past.

Our achievements, riches, fame and all are like our megabytes. In life, remaining riches are not rolled into eternity with us.

These achievements have validity period attached to them. It might be 10 years, assuming one "hammered" (got wealthy) at age 25 and died at 35. It might be 3O Years, assuming one got wealthy at 35 and died at 65.

The preacher in Ecclesiastes had observed the validity period of life's glory when he said "We all come to the end of our lives as naked and empty-handed as on the day we were born. We cant take our riches with us".

Phew! What a technical knockout on all our plans. Those estates, that fame, our Toyota Venza and million naira shares at Chevron would soon expire???

When I remember this reality, I cant help but say "Teach me to live in your will, Lord Jesus.

If I killed my girlfriend to marry her fiancé, it will soon be useless. If I sacrifice my father to get wealth from the occult, it would soon be useless.

Validity period!
It hurts when you have nothing in your spiritual account with Christ.
It means nothing when you have SOMETHING in your spiritual account with Christ. Mathew chp 6 says
19.Do not store up for you treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.
20.But store up for you treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21.For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I do not know the validity period on my life; but I am convinced I shall not leave until I have completely accomplished the reason MY CHRIST GOT HOLD OF ME 16 years ago. I know this because; he says "I shall not be cut short"!
Therefore, I am determined to live my life, make decisions, and act ONLY after I have answered this question.
"How does this affect my account with Christ?
What about you?
That offer has a validity period. DONT LOSE JESUS FOR IT.

Love you
Anne Atulaegwu


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