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You have had an encounter with God and He has placed HIS dream into your heart. He has told you things that you never could have imagine on your own and you await its manifestation.
A God given vision is usually larger than our minds can dream, huger than our spirits can believe but real-er than our present status.

Personally, I have seen the Lord confirm his words to me in private matters and in ministry and I can tell on a sure note that "God is committed to the dream that He placed in your spirit."

Its one thing to have a God breathed vision in your heart is another thing to birth forth the vision.
Just as a pregnant woman cannot bring forth by mistake, no vision/dream can be birthed accidentally. 
A pregnant woman is aware of the various stages of labour and she consciously partakes in the process.
A woman may escape the stages of labour via a caesarian section but sorry, NO caesarian session in destiny. You must either birth the vision or experience a still birth.



At this point, you get a constant nudge in your spirit to do something beyond the norm. God might be asking you to go talk to someone who is pivotal to the manifestation of the vision, asking you to begin, or something. This stage is characterized by clear instruction which we might feel very incapable or unprepared for. God creates an uneasiness on your inside and you just know that something is about to change in your life. Yes, you are right! you are due for the next level of responsibility and glory.
It is important for you to obey those instructions, irrespective of how weird they might sound. Many people have terminated their destinies because they failed to move in faith when their restive stage came. Faith is absolutely important at this point. what is God saying? DO IT NOW! GO!!


After you have made the decision to obey and have actually began to do what God asked you to, there comes a test. Oh yes, darling! The weak and fearful NEVER fulfill purpose. You've got to be bold and courageous. Hell will make one more attempt to intimidate you off the path of destiny. People might mock you at this point, turn you down, call you names and yes, disappoint you.
 You might have put in your much to ensure that it goes well, but it may not turn out so.
 Now is the time for you to learn that God calls a man alone. He never calls a crowd. you need to learn that faith is your only currency and Christ is the chief gynecologist not your experiences, nor abilities. 
Here, God would want to remind you that He is in charge and you must absolutely depend on him. Ask any one who started an assignment. They often remember this test of trust and total dependance on God.
You have got to completely believe the LORD and STAND for the vision even when your trusted friends dismiss it as weird. NO GREAT VISION, LOOK REASONABLE AT FIRST!


If you successfully paid dead ears to mockers and well-wishers who ignorantly try to kill your baby in a bid to "protect" you? Then you will enter/experience the push. This push contrary to what you might be thinking, is not an outburst of success from a die-hard attitude. Rather, it is a supernatural release of grace that brings the vision into daylight. This is as a reward for your obedience and faith in God in the earlier stages.
Here,  God connects you with people who would commit to and help the vision grow and establish.
Some of these people would be those of them who turned you down the first time. They might be parents who thought you were crazy, pastors who thought you were being overly ambitious and friends who thought you weren't qualified to head a vision like that.
Yes darling, your baby has come and God is happy that you didn't let it die on paper. However, that is only the beginning of the entire process. Many people experience a  sudden termination if the vision within the next 3 years. Do you want to know what they didnt do right?

I strongly desire that you fulfill purpose. I want to see the dream on your inside manifest and flourish.
Join me at THE BIRTHPLACE MENTORING SCHOOL. NOVEMBER 17 TO DECEMBER 6 2014.Sessions Include: Structuring the Vision, Executing the vision,  vision webbing plus more. Class size is limited. Take hold of your future today!


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