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It is with a heart filled with extreme gratitude that I write this. I look back at my ministry calendar in 2014 and all I can see is how your love, prayers, financial gifts and support made the vision a reality.

When the Lord told me about our responsibilities in 2014, I felt very inadequate and incapable of taking them up. I didn’t know He had a reliable team waiting to help establish His purpose.
Thank you so much for letting God use you to Birth purpose, Nurse vision and Fulfill destiny in 2014.

Together, we successfully hosted 3 conferences- Eagle Soar in March, Tamar’s pouch in April and Teen Edge in June.

Together, we inspired well over 100 young people to commit to God’s purpose for their lives.

Together, we led 60 people to confess and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Together, we mentored 5 young people at the Birthplace mentoring School, equipping them to fulfill their purposes effectively.

Together, we stood in the place of prayer for as many who looked up to The Birthplace Ministries for the blessings of Christ and He healed a lady who had an unceasing blood flow, He healed another of fibroid and He delivered many from demonic oppressions.

Because of You, Souls are walking in their purpose today and the kingdom of our CHRIST is on the Increase.

Thank you so much for partnering with us.

God is saying so much about 2015 and I am privileged to share them with you right away.

2015 is our year of MULTIPLE GLORY.
“Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” Isaiah 60:1-3

In 2015, there is going to be hard times around the world and many terrible things would happen. However, God has already empowered us to be the solution to the dying world around us.

In 2015, the ungodly would depend on us for survival. This is because the glory of God would make us stand out. While others are going lean in specific aspects of their lives, we would be fattened by the revelation of God’s word.

God is giving us an instruction to “ARISE”. He says; ARISE because your season is here! Perhaps you have become down trodden by the long wait of your expectations in 2014. God is saying, Get off that posture of doubt and hopelessness for it is you turn!

The glory of the Lord is His distinguishing attribute. Now that glory rises (continuously) upon you in 2015. The tougher it gets out there in the world around us, the greater the intensity and severity of God’s distinguishing glory upon us.

In 2015, you will be noticed. Your labour would be regarded by all around you. Men would have respect for your worth because they would see your essence.

Kings and Nations will come to the brightness of your dawn! This means they will naturally gravitate towards you because you are going to be their only hope out of the mess around them.
God is going to make you relevant in your marriage, relationships, workplace, family, business sector etc.

These people would give you their treasures in exchange for a solution in their lives. When they begin to come, don’t sit back and feel inadequate. ARISE and SHINE your light into their lives.

 I pray that the wisdom of God envelopes your mind and that you will be divinely positioned to let God’s glory rise continually upon you in 2015 and beyond.

I declare you BLESSED!!!

Thank you again, for partnering with The Birthplace Ministries in 2014. I look forward to doing greater things with you in the year of MULTIPLE GLORY.

Have a fulfilling Christmas and a Fruitful transition into the New Year.
Yours in His Service,

Anne Atulaegwu


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