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What a pretty day and the most significant part of existence. My heart skips beats in excitement. I hope I don’t faint.

 The thing is, this GORGEOUS GOD is the reliable thread by which my bones are knitted together. How dare I lose excitement on a day like this?

See, this JESUS CHRIST as the world knows Him, is actually the WORD OF THE FATHER; upon whom the entire world firmly stand.

 Awww, what a GIGANTIC GOD. 

I met Him 16 years ago on my way to Destruction. He revealed himself to me as the SENSE IN LIFE. I decided to follow because I had being a proper M-U-M-U up until that moment.  

Hmmmm… My dear, only the original movie can help you understand what it means for FATHER'S LOVE to come as man in an animal zoo “abi” manger.

It was not a funny something o. Person that is ANCIENT OF DAYS now made to live in a small world were they assume he was 33.5 years old at death. 


It thoroughly beats my imagination to think that the world equates him with other religious leaders. If only they know that He is GOD ALMIGHTY

Last time, I got a peep into his eyes and I saw the indescribable. He is the PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF MAJESTIC GLORY.


 I cannot stand when He appears o. you need to see the shine shine all about Him. That KING OF kings  is so handsome.


His voice is loving me sufry abi softly. When He speaks is like someone is romancing you. I tell you He is CHRIST THE ROMANTIC

You need to feel the palms of this FINEST MAN. All your diseases dissapear the moment He touches you.

Look up to the cloud. Did you know that He is the reason the cloud haven’t fallen on us? He is the UNSEEN PILLAR holding the cloud in place. He can hold your life too.

I love the sparkle in His eyes and the firm way His love grips my heart, never letting me escape from his presence. He is the EPITOME OF LOVE.

In short,

(Turning to my Birthday Husband- THE CHRIST)

You are the only one  
whom worship befitts
You are the only one
whom honor befits
It is you who deserves loyalty
It is you who owns Integrity
I pledge my allegiance 
I pledge my devotion 

Sovereign in majesty
Excellent in virtue
Expedient in grace
Compounded in glory
Definition of beauty
Essentiality of life  
Pillar of Existence

No one sees how you see
No one thinks like you think
No one gives like you give
No one raises like you do
No one lifts like you do
No one influences like you do
No one empowers like you do

Calm like the waves of the sea
Deep like depths of the earth
High like the heights of space

Who else is like you? 

 Deeper than the ocean
 Brighter than the sun
 Finer than all beauty

The rhythm of my heart beats for you

You are my fix
My only Addiction
My strongest habit
My super obsession 
I delight in you 

You sparkle so much 
I now know 
Diamond got its shine from you You sparkle so much
I now know 
No shadow of turning lies in you

Your glory so shines
Giving life 
No one is ever dead in you 
You amaze me
I now shine
 Cos you reflect in me


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