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What State Is Your Vision?

It is dangerous for one to just sit there saying “I got a vision”.
There is need for you to take a look at the state of the vision in your heart from time to time. Even Jesus talked about being watchful. Ask yourself, does the thought of my vision still propel energy for fulfillment? If not, one or more of the following might be the state of your vision.

The sleeping vision:

This is a state where the vision and its carrier lack a drive. The carrier may not even know that a vision is buried in his spirit; he therefore, takes the presence of an interest in something to be “normal”.

The maimed vision:

One in which the vision has been seriously hampered from manifesting due to terrible mistakes on the part of the carrier or attacks from hell.

The stale vision:

In this case, the carrier does nothing to improve on his past efforts. He settles for less than the potential of his vision. The vision becomes stagnant and turns stale. You know a vision has gone stale when the people involved only make reference to exploits or accomplishments dating back to when it first started. There is no current or recent testimony. Individuals in this category need to get back to God to breathe freshness into the entire thing.

The limping vision:

This describes vision in which the carrier is up against so many obstacles than he can bear alone. This usually become the case of
people who take up missions without God’s commission. They therefore look for other unapproved means or methods to enable them get fit again. However, people on the right track on their pursuit of purpose may still find themselves in this situation;in this case, they do not have “helpers” surrounding the vision. Individuals in this category need to ask God to send them men who can identify with their vision and run along with them.

The imprisoned vision:

Here, the vision and its carrier are caged as a result of self-imposed limitations, environmental limitation or limitation from external forces. Individuals in this category must believe that the God of purpose first equips a man before sending him into the earth to fulfill his (God’s) intention. He must have confidence in God’s ability to accomplish great things with, for and through us  other than focus on his weaknesses. In the case of limitation from external forces, one must train himself to believe in the word of God. Scripture says
“ but they that know their God shall be strong and do exploit.”
Daniel 11:32b (KJV)

The reason we are told to know our God is this; the knowledge of God exposes you to his mighty acts and sure fire ways of going about issues and challenges of life. That exposure gives you the confidence that propels you to stand strong; because a running man cannot have the balance necessary to hit a target (make/do exploit)

The nurtured vision:

This is the state of a vision which is filled with fresh ideas which  are born out of inspiration(divine). The carrier is constantly connected to his source who in turn is committed to the vision.  In all the healthy cases I have seen, the source is usually God.

The fulfilled vision:

Here, every goal set by the carrier is obviously in motion. He needs just the right effort on his part to get things going as he has got the right people placed in his life to devotedly help him. Irrespective of the state of your vision, there is room for you to turn it into a fulfilled vision. You can achieve this by staying committed to the growth of your vision, being obedient to instruction from God or mentors and totally depending on God.
I release grace on you to enable you keep your vision alive and live in its fulfillment in the name of Jesus!

Culled from the Book PROTHESIS 
 Copyright © 2014 by Anne Atulaegwu.
published by Partridge Africa

Committed to Your Destiny
 Anne Atulaegwu


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