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I felt as cold as a frozen chicken. I couldn't feel my heart beat. Tears of a soulish death filled my eyes but they wouldn't flow down. They didn't know the way down cos my lashes seemed frozen too.
I looked at Him with such ...I don't know cos I could only see the pain I was going through.

"I could never trust you again. I'm so hurt and it is because you have betrayed me." I yelled at Him.
He tried to speak but I shut my ears. He pulled my arms and I pulled away. I had stated my point and that was all that mattered. His pleas or tender words were inconsequential at the moment.

That was a while ago...

  Recently, I saw a court appearance.The judge didn't permit anyone to speak according to the drive of their heart's content. They must follow the ORDER or be thrown out.

I got on my knees and said to Him, "Abba, I wasn't orderly during those times. I spoke to you disrespectfully. I'm deeply sorry."

Laughing, He replied "Annie, didn't you just call me father? I am your father and when you come before me to express yourself, you stand there as my child not an accused. I can never condemn you for being honest about your heart's content. I am your father and I love to listen. I am your father. I love to hear it as it is..."

Becoming a Child of God is the highest privilege and Honour that anyone can ever receive. Contrary to the popular opinion that states every one is  a child of God, not every one is actually.
Yes, we were all created by God but there is only one way to become a Son  - accepting JESUS CHRIST as LORD AND SAVIOUR.
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" John 1:12 you can get details here

This clearly states that if you believe in  Jesus as the Son of God and one whose blood cleanses you, then you are a Legal, Son. In clear English, If you accept that no other one but JESUS can make you righteous or good indeed and accept his work on the cross as the payment for your own sins, you are a Son/Child of God.

Now if you haven't done that yet, you are missing out on a whole lot.

God is not some old, boring man with uncut white beards, staring at us sternly. He is a loving father. The word "Abba" is aramaic for daddy like a little girl calls out to a father she adores and respects.
God is the only being with the hugest lovey-dovey expressions and He longs to express this to us.

I have had moments when I doubted His love and even felt like He betrayed me. However, I noticed He wasnt so interested in proving Himself just so much that He didn't care about my broken heart. God is not an insensitive person. He hurts when we hurt and like a father, He rocks us to sleep when life deals us its ugly blows.

When we call Him Abba, we release ourselves to the depths of His ever embracing Love.
When we call Him Abba, we yield ourselves to be corrected and moulded according to His standards.
When we call Him Abba, we surrender to His Purpose and Plans for our lives
When we call Him Abba, we release our child-like insecurities knowing that He is mighty enough!
When we call Him Abba, we declare that we are going to obey Him absolutely.

Our earthly fathers will fail us. Perhaps you had a perfect picture of your dad or step-dad as a child only for you to grow to discover that he had fundamental issues that made Him do the unthinkable. This is why we need Abba to truly father us beyond our imaginations.

Abba's love superceeds that of a Shephered, body guard, cook, mother, teacher. He is so many things in one.

When we call Him Abba, we enter the highest realms of Love that perfects all existence.

Committed to your fulfilment,
Anne Atulaegwu

My dad- Bishop Dr Peter Atulaegwu and I. This man is an amazing father. The best for me on earth but nothing like the Abba father


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