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Hey, Thanks for checking in!

Let me guess something…
You are probably on this page because it’s me right?
Well I’m not so dumb to believe that.

I believe you hit this page because something inside of you wants more than life appears to be bringing your way. You know there is more to your present abilities and you are ready to learn, encounter, know what it takes to be better at who you are and what you do.

Well, I’m not a seer (you never can tell though); so if the above is true about you, keep reading.
If it isn’t? Feel free to hit the close tab on your browser.

I’m primarily gifted to birth purpose in the heart of people seeking direction in life, graced to teach them to nurse the vision they see and anointed to prophetically empower them to live fulfilled.

I understand that my birthing purpose, nursing vision, fulfilling destiny assignment isn’t to everyone.  I’m sent to young (with the capacity to envision) people who desire to be relevantpurposeful and influential. Now if that describes you? I recommend that you read these books.

In the book Prothesis you will:
·        Learn details about God's perfect design for your life.
·        Learn to let God lead you into His flawless purpose for you.
·         Understand the link between your gifts/talents and your purpose.
·        Understand the power and purpose of a personal covenant with God Learn to walk in obedience to God's direction
·         Get powerful glimpses into your destiny
·        Be empowered to make your mark, be relevant and live fulfilled.
This book challenges you to move from where you are to where you ought to be - a glorious fulfilling life!
Join me on a journey to fulfillment. 

If you will rather have a hard copy of PROTHESIS go HERE

In TAMAR, I tell the epic story of three women whose names bonded them-TAMAR.
Raped by a brother, Denied by her father-in-law and raised by an abused aunt respectively, all through women ably represent the various forms of abuse faced by men and women in our time.
Buried in its pages is lasting freedom from all forms of abuse- physical, emotional, financial and even spiritual!
Relevant to men and women

Many people think it’s okay to just have a dream and work hard or smart (whatever your school of thought).
However, success in all of its holistic definition is more than that!
In this book, I interestingly show you 7 warning signs that you might be ruining all you are currently working for and how to get back all you’ve ignorantly ruined.
Love your future? Read this fast


“I thought I knew my purpose because I was doing well and all; but when I read your book-Prothesis, my eyes opened to how far behind I was in God’s design/will for me. Thank you, Anne! May God continue to increase His wisdom in you. You have stretched me beyond the limits of my world. I’m a better version of me now! 
Gary Whiteford – FL, USA

“Thanks for writing Tamar. You helped me see why those painful experiences have happened to me. I’m determined to not let them decide how my life goes anymore. I finally found the strength to forgive my abusers and I believe God for my future. Thank you for letting God use you. Ife Oluwatimilehin- Ibadan, NG

“ The 7 signs book was eye-opening. In a word, it’s a heart-friendly-read”
Chika Eric ogbonna- Lagos NG


There is no book on earth that is sold at the exact value its worth. No one can pay for knowledge. You can only make an investment to get it.
I understand that most young people (teenagers especially) find it challenging to buy hard copies of these books therefore I decided to give them for free because I really want to help them.
 But again, I have realized that people don’t value what costs them nothing. So I’m “giving” these books at less the price of a meal at Mr. Biggs because I want you to value it.


1. Pay the sum of N1000 into GUARANTY TRUST BANK 0047372859 PRINCESS ANNE ATULAEGWU
2.     Send a text containing your name and Email to +2347017654880 
     (SMS ONLY)
3.     Voila! Receive all three books

Committed to your Fulfilment!
Anne Atulaegwu


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