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If you are a girl/Lady/Woman with a heart for better in all aspects of life, this conference is for you!!!

Tamar’s pouch conference is an annual convergence of #RPI (Relevant, Purposeful, Influential) females during which vital issues such as self esteem, dating & Sex, ministry,marriage, abuse, hurts, purpose and career fulfillment goals are discussed among others.
The conference is structured to teach a new skill-make-up, craft, design, home spa treatment and more. 

Tamar's Pouch is on a mission to raise a generation of hurt free women, who are equipped to live fulfilled lives!
Click Here to Learn about us.

"It’s our 7TH Anniversary and I’m excitedly looking forward to hosting #RPI women from all over", says Anne Atulaegwu.

When asked why there's a ticket to the conference unlike the others she hosts? She says, "I want the women to value the experience and Impact Tamar's Pouch offers. We are using a hall with VERY LIMITED SEATS and you can bet that means the tickets can't pay the bills. Christ has already paid so they can come have a date with Him!" She enthusiastically responded.

Register HERE

2016 conference is tagged #BrokenStilettos and is scheduled to hold on Saturday, 30th July 2016 at GILFORD VIEW HOTELS,114 Adetola Street, Aguda Surulere. Doors open at 9am.


 Ugochi Nwachukwu is a graduate of Mass Communication from the University of Nigeria Nsukka. She is a child caregiver/minder. She helps with minding children /giving them care on a professional basis with the aim of influencing them positively, helping them find their potentials and guiding them to the right path of what God has intended for them so that they can find purpose early enough in life and live it to the fullest. She also works with youths, holding hands with them with the aim of walking with them to purpose path so that they can navigate their way to living fulfilled lives. She is a youth leader in her parish and also a preacher of the gospel. She is currently a postgraduatestudent in the University of Lagos.

Register HERE

Ajibike Makanjuola is a product of an unstoppable drive to empower young girls in Nigeria and around the world with information and skills that build self-knowledge, personal and socio-economic development at early age.
She’s an alumnus of University of Lagos with M.ED in social work and community development. Right from her undergraduate days in university of Lagos, girls and adult literacy projects has been the core of her being.  
This passion got her NYSC state award 2013 in Benue state for the tremendous personal community development projects implemented. Her passion can be summed up in one word- IMPACT!
She is the founder of Girl Child Enlightenment Foundation (GCEF), a devout Christian and a music minister.

Register HERE

Lily Nmeka is a teacher, an intercessor, deliverance minister and a prophetess of the living God.
She is sent to reveal the truth of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to women around the world and she is particular about mothers, single ladies, youths and children alike.
She is the convener of mother and child Pray Conference, The royal diadem, Hour of Grace and several school ministrations within and outside the nation.
She is married to Pastor Ferdinand Nmeka and together they pastor Divine Result Assembly in Surulere, Lagos. 

Register HERE

Esther Anuma is an Educationist / Speech instructor with over 15 years experience as a teacher, counselor and mentor.
She is currently the Chief Executive Officer of OVACLEAN cleaning agency, co-visionary of Expression House (a young people's gang) and the Administrator of Christian Heritage Academy.
With her experience in life as a teenager who was raped and battled with low self esteem and conquered all her fears, by the help of the HOLY SPIRIT AND PRAYER, she has also helped young girls come out from their mess ups and made them find purpose and direction for their life's through an NGO called NOBLE WOMAN NETWORK in Lagos Nigeria.
 She has really attained an enviable growth.

She is happily married and blessed with two lovely damsels – Awesome and Wealth.

Register HERE

Princess Anne Atulaegwu is an inspiring personality with a huge passion to see YOU live fulfilled. She is a conference convener, speaker, youth coach, counselor, Mentor and teacher.
Anne specializes in birthing God's purpose in the heart of young people, teaching them to nurse their vision and prophetically empowering them to fulfill destiny.
In the past 17 years, she has mentored and raised teens\youths from desolation into amazing destinies. She loves to be with them and throws in her all for their best to manifest.
Anne holds Bachelor’s in agricultural Education from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She holds a diploma in ministerial counseling and a bachelor’s degree in theology and Christian Education respectively from Faith College of Arts and Theology (FACAT), Lagos. She is a Chaplain from International institute of pastoral Education and Chaplaincy (IIPEC), Ogun state
She is the founder of The Birth Place Ministries; a youth and women focused ministry with the mandate to raise a generation of passionate young people and women who establish God’s purpose in every facet of life through conferences, seminars and mentoring.
Anne is an author, psalmist, songwriter, poet and a great dancer.
She lives in Lagos, Nigeria; where she currently serves as a youth pastor in her local assembly-Abundant House of Grace INC.
Get to know more about her here


Throne Room Encounter: A period of intimate worship and absorbance of the love of Christ.

Mend My Stilettos: A panel Session where guests and conference participants transparently discuss Global issues threatening the confidence/esteem of women all over the world and how we can successfully deal with them to make our mark.

Tamar’s Pouch Boutique: A moment when attendees get the chance to pick clothes, jewelries and other girly stuff at no cost.


Register HERE


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