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Fulfilment! Those words evoke different meaning to each one of us. Whether it means grabbing that promotion you’ve eyed for years, shopping in dubai with a loved one, marrying the bae of your dreams or finally getting to start that ministry or pet project you’ve harboured for years? These simple actions are sure to bring you to that point where you scream “alas!” on fulfillment board.

1.    Define: Knowing exactly what you want is pivotal to gaining or losing fulfillment in life. Take out time to clearly state what you want out of every aspect of your God-blessed life. From career, to relationships, to ministry and health, have a clear statement on what you want out of it. Read: 7 Shocking Truth About Your Destiny

2.    Follow: It’s one thing to know exactly what you want and another to take the route leading to it. Follow through with your plans/ strategies. Never allow any obstacle keep you on the ground for too long. You heard that? F-O-L-L-O-W.  Quitters never experience fulfillment in anything! 
Read: 1 Strong Reason You Should Try Again

3.    Re-evaluate: I know how okay it feels to keep doing something just because it’s been working through the years. You never will know how awesome feels until you add awe to some. Re-evaluate your actions, your goals, your decisions, your best practices over time and you will find an awe to add to the some you thought was great all the while. Read: What State Is Your Vision?

4.    Assert: To assert is state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully. This doesn’t make you a neurotic fissure (don’t check that up by the way, LOL). It helps you produce results in line with your conviction. You believe you are amazing right? You believe that those goals of yours can be achieved don’t you? Now when it looks like they won’t come from paper to present, state aloud what you believe will happen to you.  Ever seen proverbs 12: 14? “From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things and the work of their hands brings them reward.”(NIV-emphasis added). So while you work towards it, confess your convictions! 
Read: 6 Loose mouth types that could ruin your relationships

5.    Enjoy: Okay now honey, how about the little successes of everyday life? Celebrate them. Personally, when I ever get my hair done, I admire myself in the mirror and sing my beauty to my hearing. I do that often by the way. So you wrote one paper out of ten required to become certified, enjoy the feeling of triumph that the moment provides. So you just spoke to someone about Jesus and they gave their lives to Christ but didn’t show up on Sunday, still enjoy the moment of salvation and go back for them later. ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY each moment on your way to the main deal. 
Read: 7 Choices you will regret in 7 years time


Committed to your fulfillment
Anne Atulaegwu

Please leave your comments if this post spoke to you in any way. THANK YOU 

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