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The word “predestined” means already designed or planned by God. Purpose is God’s idea hence HE definitely has a pre planned route by which we must go.
A life that has been submitted to God would have experiences programmed by God to get him to destiny. These experiences are the routes to destiny. They may be pleasant or unpleasant but necessary. God usually determines in advance what course your life should take for the fulfillment of his purpose in your life.

For the children of Israel to get to the Promised Land (God’s
purpose for them), they were to go through a longer route rather than the road of the Philistine country which was shorter.
 “When pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” So God led the people around by the desert road toward the red sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt armed for battle.”(Exodus13:17-18)

At some point in my life, I began to feel like God was being really slow. I had prayed about certain things which HE promised me,but they just weren’t coming. Not so long after I began to feel that way, something striking happened.
I soon became thankful that he hadn’t given me the stuff he promised just yet. Beyond the biblical description of God as being all-knowing, I now know for myself that HE indeed is.

Perhaps, you feel that God is not delivering on his promises as fast as you expect. Just before you begin scowling at him, may I remind you that HIS purpose for you is already planned out?
There are certain experiences you cannot escape. Even though it looks like those experiences have the capacity to drown you,they won’t! They might have the capacity but they don’t have the license because you are a woman/man of purpose!

God knew the capacity of the Israelites. They had never been exposed to war. He needed to train them first before getting them on the promise land; for they would have to fight the occupants of the land to possess it. In HIS wisdom he did not expose them to war first. He knew they would turn right back to Egypt. There is a reason God hasn’t given you that huge platform yet. There is a reason he hasn’t permitted some of your plans to work out. He knows that your current strength cannot match the opposition on that route. Be patient with God and let him lead you into the completion of HIS purpose for your life.

God saw an already constructed highway through which the Israelites could travel but he chose the way by the desert, heading towards the red sea. There were neither ships nor boats by which the people of Israel could cross the Sea but God had his almighty ability in charge. 

Stop the murmuring. Stop the comparison.

Those whom you compare yourself with are on a different route because their purposes are different from yours.
Not only that God led them through some weird route, HE made them move around as though they were confused. HE wanted Pharaoh to pursue them into his own destruction.
“Tell the Israelites to turn back and encamp near Pi hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, directly opposite Baal Zephon. Pharoah will think the Israelites are wandering around in confusion, hemmed in by the desert. And I will harden Pharoah’s heart, and he will pursue them. But I will gain glory for myself through Pharoah and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” Exodus 14:1-4

Sometimes when it seem like we are going round in a circle, it’s actually God trying to ensure the security of your destiny. It’s similar to what happens when an air-plane is on hold in the air. The pilot just flies around until he gets a signal that it is safe for the plane to land. We trust our pilots when the plane delays in the air because we know it is for our safety. We ought to trust God in the face of delays because he is working something out while preserving us. 

God intended to destroy Pharoah when he made Israel make that confusing move. He might be permitting that delay until that habit; person or organisation capable of ruining your purpose is no more. Stop questioning God. He wrote the script on your life, he would bring it to perfection.

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 

Read: 2 Crucial Seasons of life

When you begin to walk in God’s purpose for your life, he would order your steps in ways you may not understand, for reasons you may not know about, in order for you to fulfill destiny.
Predestined route is usually designed by God to toughen us. We saw that God took them through the wilderness, a place where they got trained to depend on him. We cannot fulfill purpose without a dependant relationship with the author of purpose.

God’s Purpose for you is bigger than your intellect, background, connection and abilities at their best. You totally need him! If you attempt to fulfill your life assignment without God, you would crash. God knows this; hence he often begins by leading us through experiences that teaches us to depend on him. The area where people often find it hard to trust God is in their finances.

We want to be in charge, know where the next cash is coming from, how the next provision would come; but it doesn’t work like that on God’s plan. You got to completely TRUST in God. It is HIS PURPOSE and HIS PROVISION will take care of it.

Their Journey also reveals to us that there is no short cut to
destiny. The fulfillment of purpose is wrapped in a process. These processes are the molds by which God would shape, mold or build us for the fulfillment of his purposes.

Often times, when we go through seemingly unpleasant experiences, we tend to become impatient with God. We would rather do it our way, have it our way or live it our way. This is not the best way for a man who intends to fulfill purpose.
It is important for us to stay put in God’s plan and take the routes HE picks for us, knowing that HE is the author and perfecter of our faith!

Adapted From the book PROTHESIS-An Exposition on your destiny  by Anne Atulaegwu, Partridge Publishers copyright 2014 
Buy Paperback Edition Here 
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Committed to your Fulfilment 
Anne Atulaegwu 

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