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When they sent the fireworks up and the knock outs hit the atmosphere, our heart swirled with joy as loved ones screamed “Happy new year” sandwiched in hugs and perhaps kisses. That was 12 (twelve) months away.

2016 probably made a grand entrance for you I guess? Well, it did for me. Not necessarily because it was a new year, basically because I had exciting goals I really wanted to achieve.
Did I achieve them?
Yes and no…
Yes, I achieved most.
No, because I learnt 101 ways not to approach the others.
With 2017, been a few weeks away, I’ve thought hard about why I couldn’t achieve everything on my goal list; especially those that are 100% dependant on man’s strategy.

Based on my introspective analysis, here are some of the things you and I need to do differently to get closer to our goals in the New Year.

1.   Review Goals Monthly:
You know there are goals that sit right at the front lobe of your brain huh? Those ones that you never forget so easily. These are the ones we tend to work towards and eventually achieve but there are others that we have to consciously remind ourselves about. These are the ones that we sometimes forget to strategize about, conscientiously pursue and relentlessly approach. To avoid having those goals in the back burner, we should review our goals every month and commit to them each month. I totally understand that most goals span through several months. The point I’m making is, we should add a new focus every month so none of your goal is left unattended to.

2.   Schedule Social Media/Email Response time:
We all know at the back of our heads that time is important but not everyone live as though time is important. Facebook, emails, twitter, whatsapp messages pop-up randomly on our phones. You know that moment when you say, let me just read this one and then you have to respond and dramatically end up chatting with fifteen other people in two hours when you initially planned on ten seconds?
We may not admit it but social media and personal emails sometimes interrupt with our daily goals. To place a check on that, schedule moments when you attend to those social media messages and discipline yourself to get off once the time is up.
You can always type “Brb” (be-right-back) if you’re ready to get off and someone wants to talk some more. The bottom line is, attend to set goals for the day first before chatting off on social media.

3.   Celebrate milestones
Seriously, we sometimes think that the little things are insignificant when compared to the big ones. We must remember that BIG consists of pixels of smaller but significant things.
So I’m encouraging you to take out time to grab some pizza (if you’re like me), see a movie or do whatever else feels good after every stage leading to the ultimate goal. Psychologist says, it boosts your morale and encourages you to commit to seeing your project to the finish.

4.   Leverage relationships
People are in our lives for distinct reasons. It’s just unwise for us to have contacts list of 5000 people and don’t even know what role we are playing in their lives or they are playing in ours (Except of course they are all from facebook) LOL
If they were people you met and exchanged contacts with? You should be able to decipher why you’ve granted them access to you.
So look through your list, and figure out those who have a skill, knowledge, an already existing strategy, counsel or connections that can help you get closer to your goals and GO APPROACH THEM. Most times we feel too timid to approach those we need; while they might just have been waiting for us to come.
See how you can fix that in 2017.

5.   Step out of comfort zones
Risks are part of success. You’ve been in the same place, doing the same thing, getting the same results in the last years. So it’s time to do something differently for a better result.
Comfort zones for someone might be people approval. Well it just might be time to stop thinking about what “they” would say and go start that business, join that church, write that book, call off that engagement or do anything else that is important for your fulfillment.
Look around and inward. What might you need to let go, give up or embrace in other to achieve your goals?

Cheers to a fulfilling 2017!!!

Committed to your fulfillment

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