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My eyes open unto a new day and my brain automatically resets from dream world to the conscious. I become aware of my immediate surrounding and the location of my body- on a bed, the floor, a bench, or a tree.

Being awake reiterates the importance of awareness and consciousness. The two distinct qualities required for living in the present successfully.


 I’m Anne Atulaegwu and I’m about to show you how to use your NOW successfully.

(Stretching my hands in a bid to shake)

When I was younger, I couldn’t wait to be a woman. I look back at that time and I’m not sure what inspired the hurry. I just know I wanted to wear mummy’s shoes because they were stilettos and I wanted a bulge on my chest so I can wear brassieres like her.


I did play dress up with my younger sister. I will pad up my chest with some clothes and wear momma’s brassieres. I will imagine how I would look as an adult. Mummy didn’t use make up. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have spared them.

Today, I sometimes wish I could go out without brassieres. (Girls, you understand what I mean huh?).  I secretly long for those girly days when just your outer dress would do.

Many times in life we are often eager to appear in the future or too concerned that we prefer the past. This eventually takes its toll on the present.

The present is the mould that perpetually forms the future. It would soon be yesterday as it was once tomorrow. It is the only thing we truly own therefore we must be aware and conscious of it.

Knowing that the present holds much significance in our lives, how can we make best use of it?

A.  Be aware of the present
Awareness refers to having the knowledge or perception of a situation or fact1.

The questions you need to ask to aid awareness of the present are
1.   Where am I in life?
Sadly when people ask this question, they are mostly looking at material possessions like cars, buildings, size of businesses and all that. I totally agree that these things are important but if they are the first basis on which you measure success, you’re pretty much being shallow.  

When we ask the question “Where am I in life?” it should be in relation to our purpose (the reason we were created in the first place)!

What’s your calling? What distinct or multi-faceted role were you created to play on earth? The question of where you are in life, should inspire “capacity building” and “effectiveness” in fulfilling our purpose.

Don’t ever ask the question while you compare yourself with how many children your classmates have, how many countries your neighbour has been to, nor how many people like your page on Facebook. It’s really funny that stuffs like that bother people.
You are not on a race with anyone but yourself. You are running to beat your own time and fulfill your assignment based on the schedule ordained or apportioned to your stay on earth.
Therefore, we must ask “Where am I in life?” to help us ascertain if we are behind God’s schedule for us and not another person’s schedule. 

Read: The predestined Route to Fulfilment

2.   What is required of me right now?
I ask this question every day of my life - On my secular job, in my relationships and definitely on ministry assignments. Being aware of what is required of us brings us one step closer to making the best of the present. 
Observe scenarios regularly with an eye that seeks for what is required of you in the now and get to work on that immediately. 

Read: How to make wise decisions

3.   Whom do I need at this point?
Collaboration is key to fulfillment. There’s someone you’re supposed to partner with at this point to effectively maximize your current resources. Prayerfully, and studiously seek them out.  Who has the skills you desire to pick up, whom can you learn from? Who can you help? When we realize that relationships are important fabrics in the present which in turn influences the quality of the future, we will be conscious about whom we collaborate with or let into our lives.

Your position, responsibilities and relationships determine what the present moulds into a future for you.
These 3 questions above make you aware of your position on the fulfillment scale, your responsibilities and your relationships. Ask them every time you are in a day called TODAY. 

Read: 5 Soulmate myths that ruin your chance for love

B.   Be conscious of the requirements of today
As a little girl, girlhood required that I wear moderately raised shoes not my momma’s stilettos. I didn’t realize that when I grew up, there would be moments when I will get tired of stilettos because my heels and knees will ache and so it was unnecessary to start that early.
When we are conscious of the requirements of today, we would not leave things to chance.

To some people awareness and consciousness appear to mean the same thing but to me there’s a tricky difference between them.

While awareness puts you in the know, consciousness influences you to action. This is because; you might be aware of something but not stay conscious of it.
To maximize our present, we must be both aware and conscious of every moment called NOW.

In relationships don’t let yourself drift to how it used to be or how it can be. Ask where are we? What is required of me in this relationship? Who do I need to help improve the quality of things?

In the ministry, ask where am I in relation to God’s original plan? What is required of me right now? Who do I need to fulfill the assignment?
Same goes in business and everything else.

Read: 15 easy ways to improve your life production efficiency

(Raises an Eva water can in the air)
Cheers to making the best of our present!

Committed to your fulfillment
Anne Atulaegwu 

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