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Relationships are the most crucial core of human existence. No one is truly satisfied being lonely and the reason they feel lonely is because they crave relationships.
There’s a reason God doesn’t literally give us everything we need directly. He usually places people in our lives, to whom He has given what we need.
However, In bid to connect with those who have what we need, we might neglect those who mayn’t bring much positive vibe our way. We must realize that we need both the positive and negative vibers.

Therefore the seven most important people you need to fulfil destiny are

    1.  The opposers
Ever been in a circle (church, workplace, home etc), where certain people never agree with what you have to say or do. I’m not talking about people who see the other side of your propositions and attempt to draw your attention by speaking in doubt. No no! I’m talking about the ones who consciously, wilfully, strategically do any and everything to see to your downfall.
They are the ones who will act as checks for you when you begin to slack on the assignment on your life.  Their mere presence will compel you to commit to the intricacies of your course.
Haven’t you wondered why God didn’t eradicate Satan immediately? Even God knows that opposers and oppositions are important to His agenda- They help magnify Him!
So does yours.

Read: How to deal with threats

2. The seemingly irrelevant: Some people appear to have nothing to offer us at first. Shockingly, they might know or be directly connected to someone who is relevant to your life and its mission.
Many times I’ve met young people who at first seem like the only thing about our relationship would be what I have to offer them. I commit to my relationship with them, mindlessly invest in them and bang, one project comes up and they become advocates of my cause, plunging their parents to support me.
So don’t ever dismiss anyone based on their age, appearance or status. They just might know someone you need. Remember Naman the leper and the little girl from Israel? (2 kings 5) 

3. The Scrutinizers: This group of people examine your works with an eye that says, “what are you doing?” They could be spiritual/adopted/biological fathers or mothers, mentors, spouses, life coaches etc.  They serve as guides making sure that you are walking in line with God’s original intent for your life. They are priceless and if you’re wise you will give them the permission to rebuke you.

    Read: 10 relationship realities for men

    4.The hailers: You might want to think of them as cheer leaders. These ones amplify your strength and accomplishments and help you see that you are doing great (in their opinion). They bring some kind of energy and vibe into your world and make you want to keep going in spite of the challenges.
   Read: 7 shocking truth about your destiny

    5.The watchmen: These ones stand over you in prayers. I’m not talking about those who say the religious, “I’m praying for you” and either mutter a sentence every thirteen years or never at all. I’m talking about those who indeed commit to praying for you and can tell when a shift in season is due. They could be a spouse, spiritual leader, parent or a mentor. You really need to value and honour them. 

    Read: 7 things you should know about your purpose

   6.The Gatekeepers: These ones control who access you. Even though secretaries and personal assistants are readily disposed to play this role, there are other people in our lives who attempt to keep us away from perceived danger. Again, they could be a spouse, spiritual leader, parent or a mentor. They can tell when a relationship or deal is potentially dangerous for us and they warn us without sentiments. 

    Read: Realms of glory

   7.The heralders: They know and bring you news about the mind of God per time. Of course you hear God for yourself and so they confirm the words God said to you.  These people help you stay on course. Don’t despise them.

    Read: Being Gift Content
     Committed to your fulfilment
   Anne Atulaegwu


  1. Super!! Thanks for the post sis. I'll look out for these


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