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I LOOOOOOOVve being a woman!
Naa, this has nothing to do with lipsticks and Peruvian hair. Okay, granted, I like those too but beyond that; being a woman, female, lady , girl (take your pick) offers one the opportunity to give life to the finest things and people the world would ever know.

You don’t have to agree with me just yet if you’re a guy. However, I employ you to imagine the world without the women in your life. 

Wouldn’t it be boring?

Khum Khum (Clears my throat)

I particularly love the female ability to love and evoke love in others. Talk about that softness in our body, the calm timbre in our voices and the grace and poise our pose and curves exhume when we stand or sit in our glories.


If you’re female, I will like you to take a moment to look at yourself right now. Can you see the beauty you exhume, the softness of your skin, the beauty in your eyes and how perfectly endowed you are?

That’s right!

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You might see flaws but someone sees GREAT BEAUTY and that someone lives inside of you. That someone is totally OBSESSED with you!!!

He loves you on an obsessed scale (a persistent disturbing preoccupation of thoughts about YOU) irrespective of your short comings, achievements or lack of one, and He is desperate to love the shame and pain away.
Would you let him?

I (Princess- Anne) used to be desperate for validation. It was very important to me for someone to say, “You’re right, you’re doing okay, I understand you made a mistake and I love you all the same.”  

When I fell short of my standards or God’s, I will beat myself so hard, go on for long with the excruciating weight of guilt, pain and shame in my heart. This really affected me badly through my teen years.

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It was at this season of my life that I become exposed to the obsessive side of God’s love. He began to show me how much he loves me and he consistently orchestrated circumstances to help me see how persistent, consistent and rich his obsession for me is.

Are you in a season in life where you feel alone and finding it difficult to make meaning out of the blows and disappointments you’ve had to deal with?

Perhaps you feel like everything is working out for everyone else except you?

Or circumstances and people have convinced you that you can’t be loved?

Or maybe everything is where you want/wish them to be right now in life but you will like to experience fulfilment on a richer/deeper level?

I encourage you to attend TAMAR’S POUCH CONFERENCE 2017 on SATURDAY, JULY 29TH. 

Since you are the king’s object of obsession, you deserve a classy treat in a 4-star hotel and even a 7-star! Therefore, this event would be hosted at
TIME: 10:30AM -3:30PM

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Waiting for you are professional speakers committed to empowering you with complex truth presented  in a simple, relatable, transparent and easy-to-apply manner. 

This is a highly subsidised life-time experience. Tickets go for N5000 (Five thousand naira) per participant but you’ve got a 40% discount (pay N2000) if you pay before May 30th

Click to register and get tickets

You’ve got a 40% discount (pay N2000) if you pay before May 30th

Pulls closer to you.
Covers the view as I whisper in your ears

Some of the things you should expect are to
  • Grasp effective communication skills to help you excel in  relationships and business
  • Learn the rules of Etiquette to enable you keep your glow, earn respect and stand-out in public and private.
  • Get free-ebooks to enhance your personal development journey
  • Get free Life coach consultation with Anne Atulaegwu
  • And Lots of surprising goodies that are best picked up in person!!!!

TIME: 10:30AM -3:30PM

Click to register and get tickets

You’ve got a 40% discount (pay N2000) if you pay before May 30th

Hear what participants are saying about Tamar’s Pouch conference

“I got a confirmation on my calling!”  Mercy Enamidue

“I literarily felt the Lord touch me at this conference. God bless you, Anne”  Mariam Yakubu

“It was such a fantastic experience. I learnt a lot and I see things differently now” Racheal Sunday

“I am better prepared for purpose, passion and marriage. I’m looking forward to next year’s conference” Ngozi Oluwatobi

See more testimonies here

TIME: 10:30AM -3:30PM

Click to register and get tickets

You’ve got a 40% discount (pay N2000) if you pay before May 30th

I look forward to sharing a warm hug with you

Committed to your fulfilment
Princess-Anne Atulaegwu


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