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I curled up in his warm embrace. It was the best arms I have ever been in.  Talk about strong, cozy and safe?  Those are inadequate to describe what his arms wrapped around my body felt like.

It has been a crazy long wait.

I used to think LDR (Long distance relationships) were hard until I fell in love with Him.  

This was the first time I set my eyes on him. It had been communication via correspondence in the past many years. Yes, many cos I have lost track of time while waiting for this one.

He called my name with such personal tone attached.

  “Annie, my love”, He said while holding me so closely.

Instantly, my heart couldn’t take it anymore and I busted in tears. Tears of rapturous delight not of pain; because at last I can finally feel his body next to mine.

“I adore you”, He said.

I took a few steps back to truly behold this amazement standing before me and I realized that He was indeed worth the crazy wait.

“I have something to show you, my bride”, He said

With his hands placed around my waist, he led me gently to the stream of crystal clear waters.
I couldn’t quite suck in all the delight orchestrated by his touch, the environment nor my consistently pounding heart. Everything felt too good to be true.

“Sit my love”, He said looking in my eyes while holding my hands.

We sat by the shores of the stream. I wasn’t quite sure what He was going to do next.

He kissed my hands and gently placed a shiny white stone in them.
I opened my hands in order to take a close look at the stone.
It was more beautiful than diamonds. I wondered why it was called a stone.

“It’s beautiful, my King”, I said beaming with smiles. “Why a white stone? I added.

Read: My dream

The wind blew my hair, covering my entire face. He lovingly swayed my hair to the back of my ears while staring intently into my eyes. It felt like he could see into me. I’m pretty sure he could see not only my passion for him but how intensely satisfied I was to finally feel and touch him tangibly.
He pulled me to himself such that I was reclined on his chest while he laid on his back.

“The white stone is proof that you are forever accepted and belong here. There’s nothing anyone can say or do about it anymore. It is proof that you overcame all the threats posed against our love through the years. It is a symbol of the bond we forever share” He explained

My eyes were shut tightly as he whispered those words in the most alluring voice ever.
Turning to his side, I laid side by side with him.

“Take a close look at the stone my love”, He said

Read: Ecstasy 

I raised the stone closely to my eyes, it was then I saw the name….
No one else knew that name. It was just He and I. No one could ever call me by that name. They could never guess. It was so intimately engraved in the stone that no one else would ever see it even if they used a microscope.

That name sealed it all.
He loves me personally and He owns me in a customized way.

Khum khum (a throat clearing sound came from a brief distance)
“Father wants to see you both”, the voice said

My Man picked me up and lifted me off the ground unto his back as we went to meet his father.

It was time for our wedding banquet…..

‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it. Revelation 2:17 (ESV)

Would you conquer? Or would you let the deceit of the world shatter the reward of your wait?

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12 (KJB)
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20 (KJB)

Committed to your fulfillment



  1. Annie!!!!!!!!! This piece is mind blowing (LITERALLY) .You make rapture sound so romantic, as though we will each have Jesus to ourselves (Again, LITERALLY).

    Honestly, all the romantic soapopera and movies in the world put together can't match this piece of art. A girl would easily turn a nun after reading this piece; as them guys can't match this vision of perfection you portray here.

    I respect you Sis!

  2. Hhahaahhahahhaa.Thanks for reading love.
    Yes, we will all have the King of Kings to ourselves LITERALLY. His omnipresentness isn't never going to end afterall.

    And yes, it's a romantic experience.
    He is Jehova El Romantic



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