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For by it [faith] the elders obtained a good report” (Heb. 11: 2).

Patriarch refers to any of the biblical figures regarded as fathers of the human race, especially Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and or the sons of Jacob.

However,  the clause Patriachs of faith refers person(s) regarded as the father or founder of an order, class (in this case the order of faith)
(online dictionary)

These men of old, the patriarchs of ancient times, made a record and obtained witness to their high character and achievements through bold displays of faith.
Let’s have a look at some of them.

I will not talk about the popular patriarchs; as we all know and can apply dimensions of their faith exhibits to our lives.

I will talk about the unpopular ones

    1.    Jashobeam: Leader of David's top three mighty men who killed 800 mighty warrior in a single battle. 
As "simple" as this sounds on paper/screen, it is a rare feat wroth by faith.
It takes a man who trusts in his backup to engage the warriors on his territory. 
Jashobeam didn’t wake up that day choosing to slay 800 men. He woke up relying on the arm of His God.

From this patriarch we learn, that Faith is seeing God's arm hold yours to do the humanly impossible.

Reference: 2 Samuel 23:8

    2.   Eleazer: Second in rank among David’stop three mighty men. He stood against the philistines when all the Israeli soldiers (except He and David) ran away.
 The soldiers returned to share the plunder after action movie had ended.

Eleazar killed Philistine warriors that day until He could no longer raise his sword.

From this Patriarch we learn that, Faith is the courage to stand alone and long enough for God to show up!

Reference: 2 Samuel 23:9-10

   3.   Mary Joseph: Honoured mother of Jesus, who accepted a senseless prophesy to house a baby while being a virgin.


Yet she would found the strength to say to the angel, "Be it unto me according to your word".

From this Matriarch we learn that, Faith is surrendering to God's proposal even when it sounds grossly unconvincing.

Reference: Luke 1:26-38

    4.   Samson: Born a consecrated Judge with the mandate to begin the deliverance of Israel. -Judges 13:6

Trapped by the betrayal of his lust, led into chains by unveiling the secret of his life, he stood as a statue of mockery before the philistines.
Without eyes nor hair, He dared ask the Lord to help restore his hair for he was aware that if the efficacy of the covenant was tied to his hair, then  he could still do something regardless of his handicap situation.

Hair restored and with one push, He killed at his death, more than he killed in his life time. And so began, the deliverance of Israel. 

From this Partriarch, we learn that Faith is knowing that God will always keep His own side of the deal.

Reference: Judges 13-15

   5.   Apostle Paul: Converted in a rare way by a home video effect encounter with Christ.

Paul would rather go up to Jerusalem to tell the Jews that the Messiah had come in the person of Jesus, after being warned by a prophet to not go.

He equally got another warning by God himself to leave Jerusalem yet remained because He would rather bear witness to the truth in the place where he once fought so hard to extinguish it. 

From this Patriarch we learn that, Faith is a deep conviction in the person of Christ so much that you're willing to die, should it come to that.

Reference: Acts 21

    6.   Ruth: Witnessed her mother in law (Naomi) talk about/serve a God who was "present and watching" while her two sons and husband died.

Ruth would rather follow an empty, bitter Naomi, confessing allegiance to that God and Israel. Ruth 1:16

Highly unqualified, yet found her way into the genealogy of the Messiah. Matthew 1

From this matriarch we learn that, Faith is loyalty to destiny (God Ordained) relationships even when reward seem inevident.

Reference: The book of Ruth

     7.    Rahab: The prostitute of Jericho.

She believed in the strength of an unfamiliar God, so much to partner (by taking in the spies) with Him to bring down her own nation.

This beauty made it into the geneology of the messiah because she dared believe  in the reputation of an unfamiliar God.

From this Matriarch we learn that, Faith is discerning the next move of God and aligning with Him even if it will cost you the loss of a comfort/familiar zone.
Reference: Joshua 2

Dear You,

If 4000 years were added to the endurance of the earth, would you be mentioned as a partriarch or matriarch of faith?

The list of FAITH-fulls didn’t end in the book of revelation. Like Paul said in Hebrews 11, "time would fail me to mention others who through faith  overthrew kingdoms,  turned their weaknesses to strength, Received what God had promised them etc".
 Therefore we must bear in mind the truth that every day we live is an opportunity to brandish our shield of faith. Not just only because there is a Zion's hall of faith to etch your name but also because life is too short to live without FAITH.

No time to say No FAITH!!

BRANDISH (wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement your shield of faith
        Source: Dictionary online

Committed to your fulfillment
Anne Atulaegwu


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