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The Webster dictionary defines vision as the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom
We know that visions are goals, aspirations, imaginations.  it becomes interesting to see why many companies and organizations have vision statements.
Vision statements are the definitions/description of our goals.
The vision statement of every single organization describes the desired future position of such organization, company or body.
There shouldn't be a serious life, organization, company, thrift without a vision statement (definition of their vision/goal/ envisioned desired position).
Defining your life vision gives meaning and strategies for its fulfillment.
Below are four questions things to consider when defining your vision.
1:  What has been?
This is a question you will need to ask yourself in order to effectively define your vision. It gives you answers centered around your journey so far.
It makes you aware of what you have been through(experiences garnered and lessons learnt over the years) that have shaped your mindset and attitude towards this vision you have for yourself.
See, when Habakkuk said in chapter 2 VS 2 that we should write the vision and make it plain, He was telling us that vision is birthed in awareness.
When you are aware,  you will decipher  If you are fit for the vision/goal set before you.

 2: What is?
The first and only vision of every Christian is to portray Christ in ALL we do (both in the significant and insignificant things). Your vision statement should contain detailed description of how you intend to do this.
This question will spur a discovery in you.
At this level, you should ask yourself questions about your present attitude, fears, personality, and habits that will either help you or debar you from actualizing the vision.

3: What would be?
This is a forecast.
At this level, you'd have to answer the question, “Would I fulfill the vision lf continued at my present pace, with my present attitude, personality, level of passion, habits?
You most likely need to do a self evaluation at this point.

4 : What should be?
You have a blueprint of the vision you are pursuing.
At this level, you need to sit down and go through that blueprint and EAT IT! Make it a part of your system.
As I pointed out earlier, the vision is designed to portray Christ. The blueprint is embedded in the manuscript that has been handed to us. Remember, what ever is pure, holy, lovely should be found among you.
Remember to love God with your heart and mind and body, love your neighbors as yourself is the ultimate laws.
Remember to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
These are the blueprint of the vision we have been called to run with.
When we know what should be, it becomes expedient for us to sit down and sync what would be with what should be. 
If these doesn't sync, you may just be running a wrong, stress-filled, futile race.
Ensure you have a relationship with the One who has and gave you the vision. It is His vision and you can't run it without receiving instruction from Him.
Isaiah 31:21 says, “...You will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it.”
 Until you're ready to work and walk in total obedience and reckless abandonment, dropping every light/ heavy weight that may cause you to get weary of doing good and seeking God's kingdom, you may just be running the wrong race.

Funmbi, as she's fondly called is the Chief Executive Officer of ThreeFold Resources Enterprise, an organization who caters to the wealth and wellness of her immediate environment through the rearing, processing and distribution of hygienically smoked catfish. 

Having gone through series of trainings and certifications in the Counseling Approach, Counselor and Coach, the Bond System from the Resurged Mind Company of Matthew Femi-Adedoyin, her passion for teenagers which has been greatly fueled by her personal experiences, her environmental 'malhappenings', her love for a sane community etc had made her venture into tutoring and mentoring of Teenagers in her yearly Teenagers Conference tagged The Teenagers Weekend Outreach. 

She currently works as a secondary school administrator cum teacher which avails her the much needed opportunity to model and teach healthy lifestyles to teenagers around her. 

Her catfish business recently launched her academy which has produced about 5 graduates already in less than 5 months at the ThreeFold Resources Institute where she teaches her experiences in the catfish business to young adults who have developed an interest in the business, who are out of job or are in need of a side hustle. 

Fumbi just recently published a helpful book titled Embracing you Originality.... A journey to self acceptance.  Learn more about the book and get a copy here

She also looks out for people or organizations of like minds to partner with on reaching out to her world of teenagers as she believes in 'Catching Them Young' to raise a healthy family which in turns culminates into raising a healthy world. Connect with her on facebook, Instagram, twitter.


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