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How old are you?
Oh seriously how old are you?

You sat down many times last year wondering how the dreams in your heart would hit reality.
You heard his voice many times but you were too scared of the tide and the sharks that you curled back in your boat.
At other times you thought building a social media presence would equal making impart and living your dreams eventually. You tried and tried and no one even knows your voice or its sound yet.
You're considering retreating and waiting for a "set time" you do not even know about.

New year means you are older. Yeah, you are.
And may I remind you that nothing just happens?
Tired of receiving promptings concerning your assignment that you can’t interprete?

Tired of the confusion?
Tired of using methods which systems you don’t quite comprehend?
Tired of feeling frustrated and not "good enough" because you can’t seem to get the results you imagined?

Tired of the fluctuating or outrightly stagnant relationship with God?
You know you have a calling on your life but can't clearly interprete it yet?
Thinking you've found purpose but do not know how to express it for impart and financial profit?
Or you just havent found purpose yet even though you really really want to know what yours is?

Mentoring is one of the quickest (not easiest) ways to fulfil your dreams!
Haven enjoyed and endured a 20-year long relationship with christ. Yeah, you read right, 20 

Check out other mentoring programs here

Consistently in his might, executed a vision (The birthplace and her babies) for 10 years,

Unlearned and Learned via experiences, encounters and ear-marked studies,

I'm equipped, skilled and graced to hold your hands and guide you into realms of endless FULL FILL ment if you would let me.

I will show you how to effectively execute the assignment/promptings/yearnings/dreams in your heart.
Again, If you would let me.

I'll be taking in 12 young people (male and female) through a 30-day effective mentoring journey from February 1st to March-2nd.

Would you want to be the one?

The stretch mentoring program

To stretch is to be made or become capable of being made longer or wider (larger in capacity) without tearing or breaking.
This program is designed to increase your capacity and equip you to seize your dreams and effectively execute your God given assignment.

Duration: 30days
Date: February 1st- March 3rd
Investment Fee: N15000 (Fifteen thousand Naira)
Registration: Click here
Platform: Online

This program is structured to help you

Identify your strength

 Build impart channels around your strength

 Develop workable strategy for fulfilling your purpose

Capture and implement the vision in your heart

Build spiritual depth

Clearly interprete divine promptings and show you 
how to launch out

Get rid of confusion

Identify reliable methods for implementing your vision

 Clearly interpret God’s calling for your life.

 Express purpose for impart and financial profit

Registration: Click here

Fifteen thousand Naira can get you a shoe that will last for two years
Fifteen thousand Naira can get you a good dress
Fifteen thousand Naira can vanish in less than a week as you spend consciously or unconsciously
That same Fifteen thousand Naira can get you a gold spot on heaven’s hall fame and earth’s list of relevant people via the stretch program.
What would you rather spend it on?

Registration: Click here

Committed to your fulfillment


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