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January is the month when heaven gets the highest fillings of prayer. With nearly every Christian community fasting and praying, we would be in order to think so.

After 21, 30, 40, 70 or even 100 days of fasting and praying, it’s common for us to expect that nothing bad would happen to us.

After faithfully fasting and praying, we can’t possibly be expecting a heart wrenching doctor’s report, death of a loved one, betrayal or anything capable of making us wonder if God forgot us at the park on His last trip to attend to our cousin or friend who appears to be His favourite. 

Read: Did He Really Ignore you?

So what if the bad things happen? After all the fasting and prayer. What should you heart’s disposition be?

Jesus prayed all night before choosing his disciples. Yet He chose Judas  Iscariot who ceremoniously served him over to his enemies in a kissed lacey tray. (Luke 6:12).

Why didn’t Jesus’ midnight prayer in a solitary place delete Judas’ betrayal from the list of experiences He would have that year?

It’s easy to see that Judas’ betrayal was necessary for Jesus to fulfill his ultimate purpose on earth (To die as an atonement for my sins and yours). 

Read: Betrayed

Did the betrayal hurt Jesus? You bet it did.
Did He want to die? You bet He didn’t.  (Luke 22:42)
Did God use the betrayal for Jesus glory and His? Apparently He did.

Here are a few things I need us to glean from Jesus’ experience.

       1.    We don’t pray to make things go perfect".
 Our definition of perfect for our lives is flawed in every sense. What we call terrible experiences are lubricants in the wheel (will) of God for our lives. 

Read: When We Call Him Abba

     2.   We pray to be aligned with the will of God even if it includes betrayal, a heart break, an outrageous medial report, a loss or whatever. 
It’s never God’s will that we suffer or have to deal with ugly life experiences, but it is His will to use all of those experiences for His glory and ours like He did with Jesus’ betrayal. 

Read: The Exchange

We must often remember that there is a grander scheme. That scheme encapsulates every single detail in our lives, summed up into God’s glorious good for us. This knowledge will help us embrace the steepness and smoothness of our paths.

Prayers won't always shield you; but it will always help you harness and access the beauty of God's will in all things.

As you pray,
1.         Believe that no evil will befall you.
2.         Ready your heart for rough patches
3.         Steady your gaze on God’s unfailing love for you    which works everything together for your good.

Soar in His love!

Committed to your fulfillment
Anne Atulaegwu


Eagle's Soar Conference is Scheduled for  Saturday, March 17 2018. See details here  

If you've ever been abused, attend our Rape Recovery Boot Camp. Details here


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