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2020 is our year of ALIGNMENT with God: His SOUND; His SIGHT, His SCENT. To align is to be in a position of agreement or alliance with God, His Voice, Vision and Passion.

It is a year of Many instruction and opportunities; Clear signals and Sign posts

✅ Swift response
✅ Perfect Execution

2020 is a year of Woke Callings and Informed execution.

The spirit of God strongly desires to lead thirsty men onto green pastures for the restoration of their souls and the establishment of His kingdom in new and old territories.

Callings will be awakened in the hearts of many and they will be equipped with necessary knowledge and power required for fulfilment.

The 7 mountains of influence which are seen below shall be  significantly affected by the move of God through  woke callings and informed execution.

👉Arts & Entertainment

2020 is not the year to live each day as it comes. You must be ALIGNED with GOD to succeed.

I saw a mighty outpour of the river of God flowing from heaven upon the earth. The river branched into 10 streams as it poured. Each stream for a year in the next decade (2021-2030)

Men are required to drink of the river of God for insight and effectiveness in  territorial dominion.

Access to the river is granted by wholehearted worship, borne from deep reverence for God and spontaneous chants and spiritual songs.

Every believer must be sensitive to the songs of the Lord which the Holyspirit inspires within because the songs give access to dimensions in which the Lord is moving in their lives and cities per time.

Most of the things that will happen over nations, will be the determined counsel of the Lord. Therefore, the year and consequently the next decade will greatly profit those who seek the will/Course of the Lord in other to align.

Read: Prophetic Word for Peru

Many will access treasures of God's secret place only if they will spend quality time in worship, prayer and the word. God will easily be found by those who seek Him. There is a gate of righteousness open over the earth. Even children will encounter God intensely.

False prophets will increase, they will deceive many, especially those who choose to overlook the nudge of God in their heart. However, God will put a distinction between those who serve mammon and those who serve Him.

The year 2020, is a year of doubles. Consequences and rewards will be experienced in double folds.

My presence will be the most expensive valuable possession on earth. Those who seek me will find me only if they seek earnestly and sincerely.

It is a year where righteousness will really matter. Woe to the backslidden, woe to the lukewarm, woe to those who run after vain glory and dead gods, woe to those who choose mammon over me.

 For I will shake the earth until only those  who call me in spirit and in truth are standing in the high places of the earth.

My wind will blow fiercely across the nations for judgement. I will put a distinct mark between those who serve me in truth and those who call my name for their belly.

I am the God of the nations, I overturn and establish at will. The nations will know and attest to the truth that there is a God who controls the affairs of men.

I shall greatly reward 👉intercessors and 👉soul winners. I will distinguish them from other believers and men will know that there is great glory in following my will and obeying my commands.

Says the spirit of the Lord. 19/11/2019

2020 is not a year to seek material things (Cars, houses, connections etc) because one of the determined counsels of God is that those who truly seek the Lord will have these things with ease. There will be divine connections for marital settlement, uncommon promotion and material blessings to as many that desire these. It is a year  to seek the Lord and plunge your all into the kingdom agenda for souls.

Read: Prophetic Timeline

Healings will take place easily and regularly in corporate and private gatherings where believers ask in faith.

Many will return to the Lord as a great harvest of souls is one of the determined counsels of the Lord.
Provision will abound for projects focusing on evangelism and discipleship. The angels assigned for the harvest are working hand in hand with the angels who serve as the custodians of wealth. If you desire wealth, 2020 is the year to fund kingdom projects focusing on soul winning and discipleship.

Unfavourable policies will be established in many sectors but the righteous will prosper even more then.

Ah! The tears of many will be wiped clean. Rejoicing shall abound in the household of God's children.

2020 is a year of settlement for long standing servants of God in the kingdom.

I see some of our popular generals being called home. Their mantles are up for a younger generation.  We must press in prayer and sacrifice our hearts over and over again at the altar of obedience and intense sacrificial love for God.

If you love anything or anyone more than you love the Lord, 2020 is the year to make a switch. Alignment with God demands that no one and nothing sits on the throne of you heart, but GOD!

It's a beautiful year!!!
2020 is the year of intentional growth and conformity with the image  of CHRIST!

Read: Prophetic Word for Peru

As a steward assigned to help you birth purpose, teach you to nurse your vision and prophetically empower you to fulfill destiny,  I invite you to be part of our online community in 2020 at

✅We shall help you be productive in your callings as regards any of the 7 mountains God has assigned you.
And if you don't know your calling yet, we are here to help.

If you are looking for

✅Consistent growth in your walk with God

✅Awakening of your spiritual gifts

✅Undeniable results in your life, career,  business, Ministry or Marriage?

I invite you to be part of our online community in 2020. Click to join now

Committed to your fulfilment

Anne Emeka-Obiajunwa


  1. Amen.
    I claim the prophecy and will adhere to God's instructions by His grace.

  2. Amen, 2020 indeed shall be a great one for the people of God.


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