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Showing posts from March, 2020


 I love what I have with the Lord. It is an honour to enjoy God as Lord, to enjoy him as King, as Shepherd, Protector, defender, Secret Keeper, Sin-Stain remover and ultimately as lover. You might agree with me that the christian faith is so refreshing as we encounter diverse dimensions of God on our journey. The book of Song of Solomon or Song of Songs is one of my favourite books of the bible. Not to say, I didn't have a "do not approach" mindset to it during my single days.  (Laughs) Like most believers who dread the book because of its sensual overtone, I didn't really begin studying it till after I got married.  I am not sure why I waited that long because way back in my single days, I already had some level of depth with Christ as a lover. I wrote him many poems as an overflow of our romance but my eyes weren't open to the well of love in song of songs until one day (my now married days), the Lord sent me there on our love rendez...


Springs of joy open up across the land. Rain of the spirit for spiritual and economic blessings. Seemingly obscure, you are rising as a nation into a place and position of relevance in the endtime agenda. For years, I have sent men to you, to tune you to my frequency and expose you to my ways. In these times, I shall begin to send men from you to other nations of the earth. Dear Peru, small but mighty. Your women shall prosper, your children shall become the envy of the south. Your men shall rejoice in my dealings. Your streets, shall spring forth righteousness and no one shall say they have not heard of the Lord. I shall break the back of the woman who sits enthroned on your high places. She shall greatly fall and my name shall be exalted in every home. Like a horn, I have shaped you. Now I shall pour from you upon and unto the others. You shall no longer be looked down on. Arise, seek me in your homes. Exalt me in your high places. I have turned to you for g...


So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. 1 Peter 1:6‭-‬7 NLT The Greek word faith in these verses is Pistis which is translated as trust, confidence, persuasion, conviction. Inserting the literal meaning of  Pistis into the above verses, we understand the writer (Apostle Peter) was addressing our persuasion/conviction  about God, his person and nature. When we walk through fire, though it wouldn't hurt us, it challenges our conviction, our persuasion about God, his person, nature, and precepts. Little wonder when life hits us hard, there's a tendency to question the justic...