Springs of joy open up across the land. Rain of the spirit for spiritual and economic blessings.
Seemingly obscure, you are rising as a nation into a place and position of relevance in the endtime agenda.
For years, I have sent men to you, to tune you to my frequency and expose you to my ways. In these times, I shall begin to send men from you to other nations of the earth.
Dear Peru, small but mighty. Your women shall prosper, your children shall become the envy of the south. Your men shall rejoice in my dealings.
Your streets, shall spring forth righteousness and no one shall say they have not heard of the Lord.
I shall break the back of the woman who sits enthroned on your high places. She shall greatly fall and my name shall be exalted in every home.
Like a horn, I have shaped you. Now I shall pour from you upon and unto the others.
You shall no longer be looked down on.
Arise, seek me in your homes. Exalt me in your high places.
I have turned to you for good.
March 30, 2020 for Peru
Anne Emeka-Obiajunwa
Read: Prophetic Insight into 2020
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