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Blowing the Shofar in Honour of Rosh Hashanah

The feast of trumpets, AKA Head of The Year, AKA Rosh Hashanah, begins on sunday, September 25th and ends September 27th, 2022.

This is the new year according to the Jewish calendar which we believe God uses with regards to his operations on earth, since He gave it to the Jews. 

The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah, literally "day of shouting or blasting." It is the first of the Jewish High Holy Days, as specified by Leviticus 23:23–25.

The Jewish Feasts are physical events commemorating an actual spiritual event. While we may not observe the feasts in the ways a Jew would, such as offering burnt offerings and the rest, we are to mark and celebrate the feasts
✓In honor of the Lord.
✓As an act of obedience.
✓In order to align ourselves with what God is doing.
✓In order Partake of the blessings of the season 

In this brief recording on mixlr, I explained why it is important for Christians to honour and acknowledge  Jewish feasts such as the Passover, Rosh Hashanah and the possible implications of Rosh Hashanah on God's schedule of things such as the rapture or the second coming of Christ. Listen here 

What is the feast of Trumpets?

The feast of trumpets is a celebration ordained by God for the Jews. It's celebrated in a 2-day period. From sun down on the first day into the next 48hrs.This ordinance is found in Leviticus 23:23-25. It is listed and regarded as one of the holy days in israel.Guidelines on how the Jews were to observe or celebrate this feast is found in Numbers 29:1-6. It was a call to stop work and remember the lord. This feast is a beautiful picture of the second coming of Christ. It is possible that the rapture and second coming might occur around the feast of trumpets. Please note that the second coming of Christ and the Rapture are two different things. (Well explained in the Free Short course on Eschatology- THE COMPASS. Simply  sign up here and look out for the next start date. 

The Prophetic Word for year 5783

The number 5783 according Strong concordance means to expose, to lay bare, to uncover!

5783 is the year of Exposure and Revelation.

Spirits behind long standing issues in personal lives and in the world will be uncovered.  The spirit behind legalizing abortion, homosexuality, identity confusion and transgender agenda will be exposed. This exposure will lead to deliverance and freedom from bondages as the eyes of men will recognize the wickedness and deception of the evil one.

God is stretching forth his rod to expose things that have held people in captivity and as a result of the exposure, we will get a large harvest this year as the lost will come to the Lord (Hallelujah).

The exposure will occur across politics, states and sectors! God will allow this exposure so that the glory of Christ and the efficacy of his name will be seen in the year 5783/2023. However, After this exposure comes judgement. It is therefore important that as men see these things, they repent and respond to God's love. 

For believers, Nothing shall be a secret. The Lord will expose secrets to you and open deep revelations! Many will come to know the Lord for who He is as He reveals new realms and new depths of His glory! Constant fellowship with God is highly recommended.

5783/2023 is the year of Reigning sons

We will see the rise of new and young believers not necessarily with any religious or church titles, but with Power and Glory they will shine forth God's glory in various sectors.
The Lord will be near to those who desire him, He will show himself to them.

5783/2023 is the year of Renewal and  Mounting up

The secret of the lord shall be made known to his people. The revelation will cause Sons to mount up with wings like Eagles.

"but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31.

5783/2023 is the year of Strength and Authority 

It shall be a year of great strength!
The Lord will surround his sons with strength and authority and they will reign. 
In this new year, we will see God speak for the lifting of his people! Many people will rise this year by the declaration of the mouth of the lord.
Those at the back will move to the front and those who are at the front and not concentrating will be pushed to the back.

I will update as the Lord reveals some more. 

God bless you. 

If you're looking for an online community to grow in faith and strengthen your walk with God, join the birthplace Whatsapp community here

Committed to your fulfilment

Anne Emeka-Obiajunwa


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